28. Lonely wondering man

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Many were the roads
Before him in summer light broad.
Off he went one way,
Not knowing where but neither looking away.

His ebony hair swayed towards the rivers in the east,
His hair that is little past his shoulder shone,
In the rays of the glory of the morning sun.
His eyes as brown as mahogany, glinted with persistence
To scale the mountain no matter how perilous.
His slightly tanned arms glistened with beads of sweat,
His heaving chest, a plea for a break to his body.
Those feet clad in leather now probably wears many little cuts,
He dared not undo the worn out shoes,
For it reminds him of so much more than just the pain.

And still many are the roads
Before him in the noon summer sun broad.
And off he goes a new way,
Not knowing where but neither looking away.
He will keep treading every other path,
Till one leads him to his forgotten town.
For there stays something the wondering man
Desperately seeks for very minute of his life.
Something seemingly nothing to you,
But the world for my lonely man.

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