Headcancons for Geetrick

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(How they got together)

When Fall Out Boy won the Grammy for sugar we're going down. Patrick hugs Gerard. Afterwards Patrick wants to get to know Gerard so they start to talk to each other. Over time Gerard starts to catch feelings for Patrick. Mikey throws a party, all members of Fall Out Boy come. Pete gets drunk and crashes the party. Mikey takes him home and Patrick helps clean up with Gerard. They talk for a bit and Gerard kisses Patrick on the cheek. Patrick kisses him back. They meet up for coffee and confess to each other.


Patrick has always been insecure about he looks. Every time he brings it up Gerard gets angry and tells him he's handsome and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. When Gerard misses Mikey Patrick will comfort him and make him waffles (My au that is Gerard's favorite food)


Patrick calls Gerard: Gee, mi amor (which means my love in French), Bowie (which refers to Gerard's love in David Bowie), depending on what year it is he will call him his killjoy.
Gerard calls Patrick: Short stuff, bubba, Pat, Trick, and munchkin.

       (Who tops and who bottoms)

Gerard usually top and Patrick usually bottoms. Patrick might try and top Gerard and good chance he will let him.

                     (Other things)

Gerard's hair is usually long so Patrick puts his hands in it a lot.
Patrick can't watch horror movies with out Gerard.
When Gerard gets drunk Patrick won't talk to him for a few hours but will give in.
Gerard will take Patrick's hats and hide them.
Patrick will flirt with Gerard to turn him on before they go places.
Patrick gives ideas for Gerard to draw.
They argue on who was more talent.
Gerard gets best jealous of Pete and Joe.
Patrick doesn't get jealous and when he is he doesn't talk about to Gerard.
Everytime Patrick takes a shower Gerard joins.
Winter Patrick and Gerard always makes a snowman.
Mikey, Pete, Patrick, and Gerard tend to have double dates alot.

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