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"DAMN IT!" Gerard basically screeched. He was trying to call Patrick, his boyfriend. They had just got into a fight and he wasn't answering his cell. "Fuck fuuuck." Gerard moaned while Mikey rolled his eyes. "What were you arguing about anyway?" Mikey asked.

"Don't wanna talk about it." Gerard grumbled calling Patrick for the fifth time. "Hey, you know that Pete guy right? Call him." Gerard stated to his brother. Mikey nodded and called Pete. He put him on speaker.

"Helloooo????" The voice on the phone called. Mumbling could be heard. "Hey you little asshat is Patrick with you?" Gerard grumbled into the phone. "Yeah?" Pete said confusing filling his tone. "Tell him I'm sorry and that I'm a piece of shit, and for him to come back please." Gerard said, his worries could be heard from a mile away.

The phone hung up and Gerard sat down. He put his face in his hands. A few seconds later his phone rang. He quickly picked it up without looking at the name.

"Hi this is Gerard Way." He mumbled. "I love you." The voice on the other line called. Gerard's face lit up. "TRICK?" He yelled. "Yes?" Patrick said giggling.

A/N: Yeah this sucked but it was just a small thing

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