New start..

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It's the first day of University and Arthit feels butterflies fluttering low in his stomach. He knows that it's not going to be the same as when he was in school with the classmates he has known since he was eleven.

Instead, it's going to be a whole new world of organising his own schedule, making sure he eats at the right time and trying to make new friends. It's the last part that scares him the most. He's never found that part of school life easy.

Luckily, he has Kongpob on hand to help him through it - just a shame they're not on the same course. But they are going to meet for lunch after orientation, and the other man has assured him they'll always get dinner together when they both want to and that they can stay over at each other's dorms.

Another reason the butterflies are circling. The thought of as much alone time with Kongpob as he wants.. amazing but scary too.

But he brushes the thoughts aside as he straightens his uniform tie one last time and slides a hand through his slicked back hair. University also means reinventing his look a little and he hopes Kongpob appreciates his effort.

Quickly, he drops his boyfriend a morning text and waits in anticipation for his reply. Kongpob's classes start a little earlier than his and Arthit's taken his time to make sure he's neat and tidy before his own start, so it's possible he won't reply.

But he doesn't have to wait long before his phone chimes with a sweet text from his man and a plan to meet for lunch.

"Okay, Arthit. You can do this." He clenches his fist around his messenger bag and then slings it over his shoulder, sliding his feet into shiny, new shoes.

Pep talk over, he heads out of his dorm, dropping his keys into his pocket and adjusting the strap of his bag.

A final deep breath and he heads down the corridor towards his first day.

Once he's on campus, Arthit uses the paper map in his orientation pack to find the quad and his group of students who are shuffling together around one of the tables, a couple of senior's in red shirts marking them off on a clipboard.

He finds a way to melt into the crowd as those around him chatter and get to know each other. It's only when a large guy, who looks almost as nervous as him, catches his eye and makes a theatrical grimace, that Arthit manages to smile and join in.

The man turns out to be called Knott and he's also on Arthit's course. When they compare their schedules they turn out to be identical and it warms Arthit's heart that he'll be able to tell his worried boyfriend that he's made at least one acquaintance today with whom he feels comfortable.

The group settles when one of the third years claps his hands and then introduces himself and the other seniors. Then they're given a whistle stop tour of buildings Arthit's already seen once before when he and Kong had visited to look around.

Eventually, they find their way to the canteen and are seated in a circle around a large table, the third year's leading the way. Drinks are spread around and Arthit manages to snag a pink milk which lifts his spirits even further.

He's sucking down on his delicious treat when the group begins a general chit chat to get to know each other.

"So, you're rather good looking," one of the female first years says quite bluntly, causing Arthit's natural blush to turn his cheeks hot, "Have you got a girlfriend?"

Arthit hasn't prepared himself for the question so he feels flustered and mumbles out that he doesn't. Because, yes, he has Kongpob, but his boyfriend isn't a girl.

The young woman giggles with another freshy and Knott shifts beside him, "I think, if you want a girlfriend," he says to Arthit, "there's a good chance of you being attached by the end of this orientation."

That one time I told everyone we were dating! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now