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June 24, 2021 

Nessa - "Talk how you talk, and walk how you walk, 'cause I'd have a problem sleeping..."

Sav (you) - Go Ness! 

*Today is Nessa's very first live concert performance, and she just started and is already killing it! She is singing her new single "Counting Crimes" which is amazing! For those of you who don't know, Nessa is my brother, Jaden's girlfriend, and if you can't tell, I love her like a sister. As I was enjoying the concert, my actual sister came up too me. 

Haley - Hey mini Jaden!!! *she had to kind of yell because it was kind of loud* 

Sav - Hey Hales! And also, I look nothing like Jaden! *lets out a chuckle* 

Haley - I know, but you're gonna be a rockstar just like Jaden, so you're mini Jaden! 

Sav - Oh ok! 

Nessa - "I could never love me again, I could never trust me again" 

Haley - She is doing amazing!

Sav - Tell me something I don't know! 

*Nessa finishes her song then she does the unexplainable* 

Nessa - Hey you guys! How are you all feeling?! *says into the microphone* 

*The crowd cheers loudly* 

Nessa - So I have a surprise for you all tonight, I have a very special guest, and no you have never heard of her...well maybe you have but not in the music industry  

*The crowd laughs and Nessa chuckles* 


Amy - Jaden what is she doing? 

Jaden - Actually I- I don't know...

John - Hopefully its not gonna turn out to be a mistake right...

Sophie - Yeah, but I think she knows what she is doing 

Back to stage 

Nessa - So uh, my boyfriend and his whole family are probably going kill me for this *Jaden looks at her confused and she chuckles* 

*Savannah goes back stage* 

Sav - Jaden what is she doing?

Jaden - I don't know 

Nessa - Ok uh my friend loves music just like her big brother and uh she has a song she wrote that she is thinking about releasing 

*Savannah and her family all share a look* 

Nessa - So uh *she pulls you onto stage* Please welcome Savannah Hossler *she walks off stage to Jaden and them* 

Jaden - Nessa, uh why did you do that? 

Nessa - She needs a little push to get started 

Jaden - But I feel like she should do it whenever she's comfortable with it 

Amy - Agreed

Nessa - This little push will help her I promise 

*Savannah stands there on stage*

Sav - Uh hi, I guess I am singing then, uh this is my song "Friends Don't Look At Friends That way" 

*Savannah's family share a look*

*Savannah is Tate in this video* 

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