maki zenin x fem reader

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dude i literally love maki so much like- she is literally awesome. the credits for the fanart go to Nao on twitter. also, please correct me if any of these terms are wrong. anyways, here is a christmas oneshot
"wake up!!!" i hear a screech and a banging of pots and pans.

god, what is that racket? i think. i sit up and rub my eyes sleepily. i peer across the room and see a parade of my friends. gojo is in the front of the line, wearing a santa suit that looks about, 3 sizes to big for him. nobara is behind him, banging on a pot with a wooden spoon, and singing christmas songs at the top of her lungs. then theres itadori, a huge smile on his face, dragging a tired looking megumi, a santa hat a top his bed head. toge is next, carrying a plate of freshly baked christmas cookies. then my beautiful girlfriend, maki zenin, hauling a bag filled to the brim with gifts. panda is last, carrying a fake christmas tree over his head. he sets it in the corner and maki drops the presents underneath it. maki strode over to my bed, where i was still sitting. she grabs my hand and pulls me up. then, she grabs my chin and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. her hand snakes its way around my waist to pull me closer. maki pulls away and smirks at me.

"alright alright, thats enough, break it up" nobara says and waves her hands in front of our faces.

"ugh, homophobic" maki says and rolls her eyes

"why are you all here?" i ask and knit my brows.

"its christmas. duh. arent you fun." nobara says sarcastically.

"right, right," i chuckle. i take out the gifts that are hidden under my bed for all of them. then we all gather around the small table in my room.

"time for gifts!!" itadori annouces. he grabs a present from under the tree. he reads the tag, and then hands it to toge.

"its from panda"

toge unraps it to find a set of hairties. (yk, the ones with the balls on them? hehe BALLZ)

"since your bangs always fall in your face" panda says and we all laugh.

after an hour or so of gift giving and recieving, i have gotten a sweater, a candle, some gummy worms, a pet rock (from that bitch gojo🙄), several books, a few pieces of jewelry, and a stuffed animal. these are all great, but i havent gotten anything from maki yet. it worries me, usually she would want to be the first one to give me a present. i push the thought to the back of my mind as gojo stands up with a microphone.

"okay, now its dance party time!!" he says and presses play on a playlist.

immediately, the song "no hands" by waka flocka flame starts playing. (that song is SUCH A BOP ISTG) gojo starts busting out some moves, and we're all cheering and laughing.

as the songs go on, we dance throughout the entire morning. i slow dance with maki a bit, and then we do a big dance circle. after hours of non-stop dancing, we all flop onto my rug, exhausted.

"well, what now?" i sigh.

itadori sits up suddenly "who wants to watch horror movies with me??" he asks excitedly

"i do!" i wave my hand in the air.

in the end, itadori, maki, toge, nobara, and i, all end up staying. we watch several movies and then it is time for dinner. we go down to the mess hall and sit at our usual table. i am crammed in between maki and megumi. after eating, i am clearing my plate when maki slips me a folded up note paper. i look up to look at her, but she is nowhere to be seen. i carefully unfold it and read the letters scrawled across the paper.
meet me at the willow
tree at 10.

i tuck the note in my sweater pocket and continue on with my day. soon, it becomes 10. i sneak out of my room and go outdoors, which is freezing. i rub my hands over my arms and my teeth chatter. i creep over to the willow tree and see a figure standing underneath it, bathed in moonlight. i walk over and greet maki. i stand so that we are facing each other.

"whats up?" i ask her

"im sorry for not giving you your gift earlier, i wanted to make it special," she hands me a small blue box with a silver bow on it. i open it and pull out a silver necklace with a heart locket on it. i undo the clasp and open it. it says "y/n my beloved<33" with a picture of us in it.

"this is so sweet, thank you!" i say and wrap my arms around her neck for a tight embrace.

"here, let me put it on you" she says. i turn around and move my hair off the back of my neck. she clips the clasp onto the string of circles. i turn back around and give her a gentle smile.

"you, y/n, are one of the sweetest girls i have ever met. to say it simply, you make my heart smile. i cant believe we've been dating for almost 2 years." she says.

"i love you" i say, breathlessly

"i love you too" she says, and pulls me in for a deep kiss. i pull away and smile at her

"do you wanna go inside?" i ask her

"yeah sure"

we go to her room and sit on her bed. she kisses me again. her tongue runs across the bottom of my lip and i kiss her back with tongue. i wimper lightly into the kiss, and she pulls away and smirks at me.

then she wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me tight. she pushes us over so i'm laying on top of her. i bury my face in her neck and take a deep breath of her. her hand rubs my back as i drift off to sleep.

okay done and done👍 i hope you guys enjoyed this one. actually i have a side story really quick. so basically my parents met in japan. like they sat on the plane flying to tokyo next to each other and then it turned out that they worked at the same school in japan together. then they fell in love and the rest is history :)) anyways yeah that was my story k bye. 👩‍🦽

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