toge inumaki x any reader

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basically where y/n is sick and toge takes care of them😋_______________________________ i'm sitting on my bed, reading, when i hear light knock at my door. i push my blanket off my legs and get up to answer. i open the door and see my boyfriend, toge inumaki, standing there. we're at eye to eye height, so i can look right into his beautiful violet eyes. he was holding a bag full of snacks and a blanket. he walked past me into my room and set it on the floor, next to my bed. i didnt know what he wanted, but i decided to just roll with it. i followed him into my bedroom and went back to my comfortable seat on the bed. he sits next to me and i rest my head in his lap. i hear him open a wrapper and see him opening a bag of chips. he grabbed the remote for my tv that was on my bedside table and turn it on. a show comes up and he clicks on it. his hands fall into my hair and he starts mindlessly running his fingers through it. after about an hour of this, i get an god-awful feeling in my gut. i tried to ignore it for a bit, but it just got worse. i slowly got up and walked quickly walked to the bathroom. when i was there, i knelt at the toilet and prepared myself for what was to come. i felt that awful feeling wash over me and overtake my body. it crept up my stomach and flooded my throat. i began uncontrollably vomiting into the toilet. as soon as toge heard me, he came running into the bathroom. he came over to where i was kneeling, and squatted next to me. he took a fistful of my hair in his hand and pulled it away, out of my face so i wouldnt get any throw up in it. his other hand came up to rub my back, soothing me. all while this was happening, i was helplessly retching up breakfast in the toilet. after i was done, i leaned back. my head resting on the wall. i hugged my knees to my chest, as if it could make me feel any better. i am shaking and sweating, and my skin is a sickly shade of yellow. my head is pounding, and i cant think straight. toge goes to the bathtub and begins drawing a bath. he goes to my cupboard and takes out the epsum salt and bubble bath. he pours them in the tub, and tests the temperature with the tip of his finger. then he comes over to me and quickly undresses me, and then picks me up like i weigh nothing. he gently sets me in the tub and starts to clean my body. then he puts a little bit of shampoo and conditioner in his hand and rubs it into my hair. once hes done bathing me, he grabs my towel and dries me off. then he redresses me in my sweatpants and one of his clean shirts. he picks me up and takes me back to my room. he sets me on the bed and wraps my blanket around my shoulders, making sure to tuck in the edges. he sets a plastic bowl in my lap in case i puke again.

toge stays with me, for the next few days as i get over my illness. he will go and sneak me food from the kitchen, and cuddle me if my stomach hurts again. god, he is so good to me.
okay i kinda hate this one but oh well i'm gonna get better soon i promise🥴☝️

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