Anya Maximoff

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[] Marvel OC

[] Anya Maximoff

[] Female

[] Sokovian

[] English, Sokovian

[] March 13th

[] 25

[] 5'3

[] After she got to become more expressive of herself with the Avengers she gotten to be a very social person. Very bubbley and energetic, which will often drive Wanda crazy cause her and Pietro can be alot.

[] She has naturally brown hair, that has faded to lighter color with the use of her ability. In certain lighting you can catch a glimpse of a pinkish sort of color. It served as a reminder of her natural hair color, a brown that look redish in certain lights. Pale skin with slightly greenish eyes.

[] Just like her older brother and sister she volunteered for Hydra experiments to help her country. With the experiments on the stone, the Maximoff kids all ended up with a power of some sort. Pietro, he became the fastest person in this world. Wanda, was now able to move things with her mind, put visions in people's heads, and so much more. As for Anya they couldn't figure it out at first.

For a while the scientists believed the stone had done nothing, and that it's magic had been completely dispersed among her siblings. Of course, however, you can't get ride of that kind of power. Her ability just wasn't anything physical.

It was discovered on a day where Pietro, still not being used to his speed, ended up busting his head. It was Anya who found him and she began to cry. Her brother was her biggest role model and inspiration.

Her tears fell hitting his face in the process. As the scientists came in to look at the damaged they pulled her away. She became to scream and cry not wanting to leave him. As they contined to shove her out of the room they all heard Pietro start to speak. Anya was let go in the shock and she ran to his side looking at this head to check his wound, only to not see one at all.

Questions began to arise and it lead to them figuring out what had happened to the youngest child. She had gained the power to heal.

This discovery brought them to begin more tests on the child. Over time with the use of her power, they noticed that her hair was being drained of color. That was the one thing they didn't figure out before they went with the Avengers.

For some reason Thor has a very strong connection to Anya. So strong that him and Loki even take her to Asgard where others found familiarity in her abilities. After a while they began to speculate that she could have been blessed by their long lost friend, Sir the goddess of healing, who had died in a great battle as one of the last Valkyrie.

[] After she joined the Avengers she was able to have the free time, and the money, to be able to finally learn how to play the Violin. She had always wanted to learn but was never able to.

Her favorite song to play grew to be the festival song from Tangled. The movie means a lot to her and she relates to Rapunzel in a lot of ways, with feeling trapped for so many years, along with having similar abilities.

[] Tears that have the power to heal those who have been harmed.

[] Platonic Girlfriend of Yelena

[] Doesn't like labels

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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