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(This is the best-known illustration for the map of Vierentria

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(This is the best-known illustration for the map of Vierentria. as Virentria looks like South America.)

The world of Tyria is bigger than the size of planet earth but shares the same gravity as earth. the story here will only take place on one of its continents named Vierentria. as this place was known as the home of an ancient reptilian humanoid race that was known as the lizardmen, and it was used to known as the lost world, filled with dinosaurs and other foreign and strange animals that inhabit the great jungle of it.

The lizardmen live in a continent named Vierentria. as their empire is a hierarchical society, with 4 species in there, like the one that is below is the skinks and chameleon, and up is the saurians and gators along with it the top of the most in their hierarchy is the Cuatl, as they were a race of amphibian and frog-like who act as the ruler of the lizardmen, second to the skink.

Vierentria, have other species that are native there, as the reptilian troglodytes and a primate race called the simians are native in the great lush jungle continent of Virentria. as both of these species have zero affiliation to the lizardmen at all. the simians live in a tribal treehouse on the treetop forest, while the troglodytes live in a tribal society, as they are random when it comes to location.

Despite this, the lizardmen had neutral relation with the troglodytes, while the simians, it's a rare case it was a hostile relationship, as they used to fight sometimes. the simians are special cases as some of their tribes used to be hostile to foreigners who trespass their territory. despite the lizardmen manage to find a way to employ these 2 races into their army, but they are all unable to reach leadership ranks.

Yet these days the relationship between the two natives is still yet neutral. while both would happily cooperate with the lizardmen in times of war. along with it, the lizardmen do hire troglodytes as shock troops, and there is none of them that is in the rank of leadership due to some issue as leadership position on them are the ones who leads their kin to battle. as none of them able to boss around with the lizardmen, while being hired by them. The simian do work with the lizardmen in a time of dire as they are isolationist by their own nature, as they only tolerate their own kin to get into their territory.

It is also known that lizardmen are all naked, as they do not wear any clothing at all. as they see their body as a natural armor of their own. their skin is like armor, and they have no private parts to cover at all. as they were no mammal, but they are reptiles.  so there is no point in clothing for them at all, just a bunch of accessories like hats and necklaces along with bracelets that the lizardmen commonly use.

Long ago a ratmen clan manages to set their foot on the lost land of Virentria, but their under empire, which is located underground were discovered by them, and the lizardmen seem to have a hard time fighting these ratmen, as they all fight hard as they could, and try to track all of the underground settlement that they established. along with it the ratmen is an abomination that should not be left alive at all, so they give these rats no mercy at all, and those corpses of ratmen become food for the lizardmen.

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