Chapter 3 - Blaza?

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Memegod, Laff and Ally make their way over to Blazas house.

"Please be okay Blaza" Memegod whispered to himself

Laff knocks on Blazas door. No answer. He knocks once more but there was nothing. Laff slowly opens the door hoping that Blaza is ok.

"Blaza?" Laff asks "Are you in there?"

"I think we were to late" Ally says.

"Theres no way they could of left so quickly" Memegod says."We should take a look around."

"Memegods right" Ally says "Maybe we could get some clues to where Blaza could have run off to." 

"I guess the two of you have a fair point." Laff says.

Memegod goes to the kitchen only to be greeted to a wack on the back of the head by a baseball bat.

"Wait Memegod?" The voice says

Its Blaza.

"Memegod what are you doing here?" Blaza asks.

"Memegod are you-" Laff starts his sentense but ends it after seeing Blaza alive. "BLAZA!"

Laff runs up to Blaza giving him the biggest hug. Ally enters the room and joins the hug.

"Uhh- guys" Memegod says "If you Didnt notice Blaza almost just knocked me out." Memegod says.

"Whoops sorry Memegod." Blaza says.

"We are glad Socks didnt come here" Laff says.

"He did actually" Blaza says "But something was wrong. His eyes were Black and Red. When he burst through the door he bit my arm and just ran off"

"Wait...did you say he..Bit you?" Laff asks.

"Yeah...why is something wrong." Blaza asks.

"We were to late" Ally says. "Blaza you have been infected by the bloodshot!"

"The bloodshot? Whats that" Blaza asks.

"We will explain everything Blaza. Once we fix this!" Memegod says "Im sorry but we have to go.."

"Oh well ok then" Blaza says.

"You need to locks all your doors and windows once we leave okay?" Laff says.

"Ok?" Blaza agrees.

"See you Blaza.." Ally says

"Bye guys!" Blaza says

Laff, Memegod and Ally leave the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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