☆ Flair ☆

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    "Hey...Hey! Don't doze off while I'm talking to you. Sit up. Okay, now what was I talking about?.."

You slowly sat yourself up on the rough leather couch, rubbing your foggy eyes. Your father was currently having another business talk with you again. Ever since he joined this Talent Agency, all he talked about was work, work, work. After a long day at school, all you wanted to do was to go home, but he made you stay at his workplace today.

"We're looking for mostly young aspiring females that don't have a job yet, do you know anyone at your school who's like that?" You groaned and leaned on your backpack which was seated beside you. You could barely keep your eyes open. You tried to get on your phone earlier but it turns out the WiFi was private to only workers.

"No.... I don't know people like that, dad." You slowly started slipping off the couch, your legs stretched out. Your father's brows furrowed together and he reached into his pocket for something. His hand reappeared from the pocket with a stack of cards kept neatly together by a rubber band. He dropped the stack on your limp hand.

"Talk to some more people okay? If you see anybody that fits my description, please give them my business card." You gripped the cards tightly and sat up yet again. Using your arms, you lifted yourself off of the floor and dusted off your pants. Slinging the backpack over your shoulder you started heading out.

"I'm gonna go use the bus to go home, dad." You turned your head around to see your dad already at work on his computer. You interpreted his silence as an agreement and walked out of his office. As you were traversing the long hallways you opened your phone and pressed on the messaging app.

Group Chat 🗣🗣

You: Heyyyy so my dad is a part of a talent agency now and he wants to recruit somebody, does anybody here wanna be famous??

Chizu: haha your dad already got a new job huh? Well I don't really wanna be famous I'm too busy with school ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

You: Me too tbh idk how I'll recruit anybody idk why my dad put this job on me, I hope he does some recruiting on his own part... m(_ _)m

You waited for a couple of more seconds for somebody else to reply, but nobody came on so you closed your phone and swiftly exited the building. The sunlights bright rays momentarily blinded you as you rushed out, being in a building for so long got you used to the dimness. Your pace slowed down when you saw the bus stop in the corner of your eye. There were a couple of people sitting on the benches and fanning themselves from the sun's heat rays.

As you walked towards the stop, you felt a buzz from your phone. You opened the phone and saw that one of your other friends had replied. Before you could read the full message you bumped into a pokey colorful thing. You flinched and took a step back to see what you bumped into. A girl with sharp green eyes and golden locks frowned at you, she twirled her umbrella and gracefully brought it over her head to shade herself.

"What kind of an idiot walks without even looking in front of them?" The girl's eyelids lowered in disdain towards you.
That uniform, is she from Yuigaoka High?

Not caring for an answer from you, she started strutting past you. Your fathers words flashed through your mind, you turned to look at her walk further and further.
Should I ask? I already gave a bad impression to her... Well, it couldn't hurt to ask, my dad's pretty desperate after all.

"H-Hey wait! Can I ask you something?" You nervously stuttered your words as you tried to catch up with her.

The girl sneered at you, "Go ask someone else for instructions, if you aren't here to scout me then shoo!"

Flair || Sumire Heanna ♡ ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora