Chapter 20

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Namjoon peeked inside the room Mew had taken Gulf and smiled at their sleeping forms. "They're asleep. Now, we need to figure out what to do with San... Obviously, Mew will want to kill him..." Taehyung nodded and sat next to Tul. "So, what do you suggest we do?" Tul sighed and leaned back on the couch, finding his boyfriend's shoulder there and resting his head on it.

"I don't know..." He smiled when he felt Max kiss his forehead. "It's gonna be ok Tul... You're smart... You'll figure it out." Tul glanced up at Namjoon and Taehyung who were giving him suggestive glances. "Oh shut up... Not the time for that." Namjoon laughed and put his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright... Anyways, back to being serious."

Namjoon glanced at the door to the basement and got up. "Wanna come with? I feel like Mew might go overboard with the torture if he is the one to deal with San." Taehyung nodded and stood up. "I'm going to stay up here and look through some stuff... I have a feeling that San might have been up to more than we think he is." 

Taehyung nodded and walked downstairs, Namjoon following close behind. "What are we even gonna do? I don't know where to start with the questions..." Taehyung muttered, and Namjoon patter his shoulder. "I already know a few. Before Mew finds out, I want to know everything he did to Gulf... Then we need to figure out if he had a motive other than... Well... Whatever his motive is?"

Taehyung nodded and soon they stood in front of San, who's wounds had been covered and his body had been tied. "What do you want?" San spat at them, earning him a kick to the face. "Shut the fuck up. We have a few questions we need to ask you... And trust me, if you refuse, you'll experience more pain than you could ever imagine."

San shuttered but nodded, agreeing. "Starting off, what exactly did you do to Gulf?" San smirked, images playing through his twisted mind and letting him relive the cruel deeds he had done.

(Sexual Assault description. I will put another message when it's over.)

"Oh... Where do I begin~" San said, his face contorting into a sick smile. 

"I tied him up in my basement and waited for him to wake up... It took a while, sadly, but when he did, I started my fun. God... His mouth was so fucking warm... I could see the fear in his eyes as I held the knife up to his throat and told him what to do... It was amazing~ After I almost finished in his mouth, I had to force myself to stop... I couldn't help myself but want to cum all over his perfect ass...

I punched him hard, disabling him easily... God he's so fucking weak... He stayed that way just long enough for me to turn him around and do my business where I wanted... He was so fucking tight... God... After a few more times, I decided to stop, as he was coming in and out of consciousness.... ALthough I wish it could have continued, I had to wait for him to come back. But you're fucking friend ruined it..."

(End of description)

San looked up at Namjoon and Taehyung with a glare, and they stared down at him in disbelief. He was telling them this... As if it were a story... As if it was some happily ever after disney show that he loved, and was reminiscing on... 

"You're fucking sick!" Taehyung growled, punching him in the jaw. San laughed. "Oh trust me... I'm not the sickest person out there..." Namjoon paused his anger to look at San with confusion. "What do you mean by that?" San laughed. "I already know I'm done for, so I might as well spill. Everyone knows the Pakpoom group... And a few people are aware that the cops are hot on their trail~"

Namjoon sucked in his breath, realizing where this conversation was going. "Of course, everyone knows Gulf is the son of a cop... He wanted someone to take Gulf... To hurt him until he broke... Give up some sort of information about what the cops were doing... So they came over and set up cameras in my basement..."

Taehyung glanced at Namjoon, realizing what was going to come next. "He came to me and gave me a deal... I get to do whatever I want to Gulf, and I keep him in my basement for them later on... However, Mew decided to come and ruin it... But I find something interesting... I have a feeling Mew and Gulf mean more than they let on... And what would happen... A son of a cop and the son of a mafia boss? The drama it would create..."

"Of course... They got it all on tape, so I think they'll get what they want... After all, Art had a front row seat to your fake school relationship..." Namjoon's eyes widened. "Art... Pakpoom... WHAT THE FUCK??? HOW ARE WE SO FUCKING STUPID??" Taehyung sprinted upstairs to tell Tul, and Namjoon stayed downstairs with a murderous look in his eyes. 

"Oh, and another thing... At isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants... Which is more than what you think..." San suddenly took part of the chair which had broken, and stabbed himself in the head, instantly killing him. Namjoon was now left with information he didn't know what to do with... Art... Gulf and Mew's relationship... What San did to Gulf... The reasons behind it... And what did Art actually want?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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