Chapter 2: Kindergarten and Swings

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  The year after preschool brought kindergarten, of course.  And halfway through the school year, kindergarten brought another Korean boy; his name was Jeon Wonwoo.

  "Did you guyth thee thath?!" Mingyu exclaimed from where he hung on the monkeybars.  You stood at the monkeybars's ladder, as Mingyu proceeded to lift himself up again from his spot again to emphasize his point, his legs latching onto the bars in front of him.  Seungkwan, now a lot better in his English speaking spoke back just as exuberantly.

  "I can do that too!" Seungkwan attempted to copy Mingyu but completely failed to do so.  After all, Mingyu was older and bigger than he was, so his limitations were not as many as Seungkwan's.  Falling onto the ground with an audible 'oomph!' had Seungkwan frowning fully and bitterly.  As Mingyu burst into a good-natured laugh, you hurried to pull your best friend up.

  "Are you okay?" You asked softly, as you always did.  Seungkwan pouted, tears beginning to flood his eyes.  Behind you, you could hear Mingyu land from letting go of the bars.  He came to check on Seungkwan too, but the younger boy only gave him the cold shoulder.

  "You laughed!"

  "I didn't mean thoo!"

  "Liar!" Seungkwan's voice shook; and he was on the brink of whole sobbing session, when you placed a hand on the boy's knee.

  "Here, I'll heal you. So don't cry!" You encouraged your friend as best as you could.  This seemed to work, because Seungkwan was reduced to only light sniffles and the tears were beginning to sink back into his eyes.

  "Uwah! You're magic, Dew!" Mingyu marveled from the side.  You flushed at the compliment and offered both your friends' a tentative smile.

  Dew had become a nickname of mine, courtesy of Mingyu.  I had burst out crying on the first day of kindergarten because another group of kids decided to make fun of my name again.  In an attempt to make me feel better, Mingyu compared my name to the word he had learned from his older sister, Dew.  'Ith on the grath in the morningth!' He had said.  It was a whole lot better than 'Dr. Dolittle,' and I cherish it so much that it is now my pen name for my literary works.  So, thank you for that, Mingyu.

  "Don't talk to her!" Seungkwan had exclaimed selfishly, still sore in his heart at Mingyu's taunting.  Mingyu only frowned.

  "Geeth, I thaid I wath thorry!"

  You attempted to diffuse the situation the only way you knew how.  You suggested going to play at the swings.  The swings at your school had three seats, which was perfect for your little trio.  It had become a regular spot for the three of you, and most of your classmates respected that routine.  Well, until now, that is.

  "Aw, he'th on our thwing." Mingyu crossed his arms and frowned, while Seungkwan narrowed his eyes to catch Mingyu's line of sight.

  "Who's that?"

  "That'th Wonwoo. Teacher inthroduced him yethstherday, remember?" Mingyu continued to retell the whole scene of their kindergarten teacher introducing the new boy who had just moved into town.  You tuned out your friend's babbling and instead stared at the little boy on the swings. 

  He was tiny and fragile.  That's what I remember from my first time laying eyes on Wonwoo.  He swung back and forth slowly the whole time, a large picturebook laid out on his lap.  He looked lonely.  He reminded me a lot of how I used to be before meeting Seungkwan and Mingyu, and I think that had been the push I had for walking towards him that day.

  "Dew? Where're you going?" Mingyu asked, but you ignored him and continued to walk towards the swings.  Behind you, Seungkwan and Mingyu looked at each other and shrugged before following after you.

  You stopped in front of the dark haired boy on the swing. "Hi," you began shyly.  Wonwoo peered up at you with his dark eyes.  For a few moments, he hadn't said anything.  He didn't get to, because Mingyu and Seungkwan had shoved themselves into the situation.

  "Heya! I'm Mingyu Kim!"

  "I'm Seungkwan! Boo! Boo Seungkwan!"

  "What'th thath book about?"

  "The picture has an apple! I like apples!"

  The pair of boys continued to make pointless conversation; and you shuffled in your spot awkwardly, as Wonwoo sat silently, still looking at you.  With a small tilt of his head, Wonwoo gestured to the swing next to him.  You smiled suddenly and silently accepted his offer and took a seat next to him.  All while Mingyu and Seungkwan continued to babble on about the book Wonwoo had opened up.  Wonwoo didn't seem to mind, though, and continued flipping the pages of his picture book.

  It's completely fitting, the way we met Wonwoo.  He accepted us in his quiet way, and we were all glad for it.  My mother was the gladdest, though.  Not only was I going into the first grade with three solid friends, but she also had more taste-testers for her 'American' dessert practices.

  "Who wants cookies?" Your mother barged into your playroom, where you, Seungkwan, Mingyu, and Wonwoo had your coloring books opened in front of each of you.  Mingyu's, of course, was spiderman.  Seungkwan, after the whole spider issue, took a liking for Iron Man.

  "I do! I do!" Mingyu immediately sprung up
to meet your mother, allowing for Seungkwan to draw a line down his paper and ruin his Spiderman coloring.  Wonwoo giggled at the sabotage, while you stood to help Mingyu and your mother carry in the plates.

  "Thank you, Mrs. Do." Wonwoo thanked politely, as always (he may or may not be your mother's favorite of your friends). 

  "Yeah, yeah! Thanks!" Seungkwan cheered after sneaking another unattractive streak across Mingyu's paper.  You only shook your head at the sight, already preparing yourself for another of Seungkwan and Mingyu's fights.

  "Thwank chu!" Mingyu's words were muffled by a mouthful of what looked to be chocolate chip cookies.  Seungkwan grimaced and smacked the boy's shoulder.

  "My mom says we shouldn't talk with our mouth full!" He scolded Mingyu, who only continued to devour more cookies in a messy manner.  Wonwoo took a tentative bite of his cookie, while you chewed on your own.

  Your mother smiled at the scene. "Your mom sounds like she knows a thing or two, Kwannie." When your mother spoke Korean, pet names came naturally to her, especially when it came to you and your friends.

  "De!" Seungkwan smiled with pride at the compliment (and the attention).

  "Hey! Did you ruin my Thpiderman?!"

  Here we go.

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