Chapter 10: Fifth Grade and First Kisses

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For the most part, I don't remember my fifth grade year all that well. Mostly because for most of the year, I was focused on school. My parents were starting to take more interest in my studies, seeing that middle school was only two years away. The same could be said for the boys; I actually don't remember even seeing them as much that particular year. Our class expanded quite a bit so the class was divided into two classrooms. The boys were placed in one altogether, and I was in one alone. A rather unfortunate turn of events, but I decided that I'd survive. I did relatively well on my own, despite how lonely it was. There was only one thing that really managed to throw me off. Girl talk.

You were trying to focus on your book. You really were. But was it really your fault if your ears perked up at Rosie Jennings's squeaky voice? It didn't help that Rosie, who was fully aware that you were busy with other things, still tried to include you into whatever conversation she and her friends were having. You couldn't help but grimace when you heard her say your name.

"Yes?" You mumbled, thumb marking the page where you left off as you raised your head.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?"

You blinked, throat dry as you blanked on what to respond with. "Uh.."

"Because I have." Rosie interrupted, her nose raised in a feigned superior air. "A seventh grader kissed me just last week."

Rosie wasn't a terrible girl, per say. More so frivolous if anything. She could've been a meaner person with her rising popularity, her rich background, and her infuriatingly good looks. Nevertheless, Rosie still had a way of talking down to people that rubbed you the wrong way. Especially when all you really wanted to do was get back to reading.

"No," You shook your head slowly, "I've never kissed anyone."

"Really? I thought you would have by now." Rosie's tone took a coy accent that you didn't like.

"Why?" You had trouble hiding your annoyed expression when Rosie's friends started giggling, and her lips turned up into a smug smile.

"I mean, you hang out with boys all the time. I thought that at least one of them had to be your boyfriend." The girls all burst into another fit of giggles, and Rosie joined them this time.

"What?" You responded dumbly, finding abhorrence in the idea of ever kissing one of your best friends. "Why would you think that?"

Rosie scoffed at that, scooting her chair closer to yours as if you were actively participating in the conversation. "Oh, come on! You can't seriously make us believe that you've never even thought of kissing at least one of them!"

"Especially Seokmin." One of the girls swooned, her hands coming up to cup her red cheeks in wonder.

"I actually think Mingyu's starting to get more handsome." Another girl added.

"Mingyu talks weird, though! Wonwoo's more attractive."

"And? Wonwoo's small. At least you can tell that Mingyu's going to be tall!"

"Seungkwan's funny and got the cutest cheeks!"

Your face was completely bewildered as all the girls continued to exchange comments about Seungkwan, Seokmin, Mingyu, and Wonwoo. Rosie looked at you with wide eyes as if to say 'See?'

"So you've never even thought about it?"

You shook your head silently. "No...I don't think so."

"Why not try it out?" Rosie suggested as if what she was saying was going to help you. "Think about all the good things about each boy and decide which one you like the best."

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