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| Bryce's pov |

I came downstairs with one of her favorite toy when I came down I saw Anna and Addison watching the movie together not gonna lie but thats cute. I went closer to them and saw Anna look at me and smile baby girl is so adorable.

Bryce - ready to go baby?

Anna - yess

She jumped up and down, I picked her up and gave her toy she hugged me stop it rn I love her so much, I saw addison look at us in awe.

Addison - okay then I will get going

Bryce - alright bye baby say bye to mama

Anna - bye

She waved addison came and kissed her cheek

Addison - bye baby

We all went out together and separated our ways addison went to her car and I went to mine, I put Anna in her car seat and buckled her in she was busy playing with her toy so she didn't notice. I went to the drivers seat and started driving to the park.

| Addison's pov |

I went inside the house and saw Asher watching tv and atlas playing with his toys, I went to my baby boy and kissed him he hugged me tightly and smiled. I saw Asher coming towards me, he hugged me and kissed me I didn't respond him back idk why but I just didn't.

Asher - how was Anna?

Addison - she's doing great how was atlas did he give you any trouble?

Asher - no not at all he was fine

Addison - okay that's good I am planning to take him to the park

Asher - that's good but I got to go I have some work to do

Addison - okay I will see u later

Asher - bye

he kissed me and left, I went up to atlas who was playing quietly he's so amazing. I picked him up and he faced me.

Addison - baby you wanna go to the park?

Atlas - yes

Addison - alright let's change you and we will go

I took him upstairs and changed him in his outfit.

I took him upstairs and changed him in his outfit

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^^ outfit without the hat

We then went out to the car, I got placed him on his car seat that was a bit difficult but it worked. I got in the car and started driving to the park.

| Bryce's pov |

We are now at the park, Anna was so happy she jumped up and down in her car seat. I parked the car and went to Anna I took her out of the seat and placed her down.

Bryce - baby hold my hand

I held my hand out she holds my finger then we start walking to the swings, I pick her up and make her sit down in the baby swings. I start pushing her slowly cause she's a baby of course I heard her giggles aw it made my heart melt. After a while, we were running and playing around she run towards me and I pick her up and spin her, she kisses my cheek I kiss her head. I then saw addison with atlas, I missed him anyways, she walked towards me with a smile on her face oh god why do I still adore her smile stop it bryce she has a boyfriend.

Addison - hey bryce

Bryce - hey

Anna jumps out my arms to Addison's I take atlas in my arms I kissed his head he smiled aw my both babies have the best smiles I love them. We were playing for a while then Anna got tired she walked towards me I picked her up she laid her head on my chest I know it's her nap time anyways. I saw atlas also falling asleep on addison's chest.

Addison - it was a good time to spend today with you

Bryce - yea same

We didn't talk so much if something is up with the kids then only we talk we personally don't talk about anything. I said my goodbyes then took Anna to the car she's already asleep to I slowly placed her down in the car seat, I then got in the drivers seat and started driving to a restaurant. I arrived after a hour, I got out of the car and went to my princesses side, I opened the door and she was kinda awake she was smiling tho my baby is a smiley princess. I picked her up and placed her down she was holding my finger as usual, we walked inside nobu (I didn't have anything else in my mind).

We sat on our seat well she had a high chair, we ordered the food and ate after that Anna pointed to the beach.

Bryce - you wanna go to the beach baby

Anna - mhm

She nodded, now yk I would of course take her there she's my princess I would do anything for her. After I paid we went to the beach I removed her shoes and mine too, we went closer to the water not gonna lie the water was cold but kinda warm so it was fine, we played for a little then I took a picture of her and posted it on my story and sent it to Addison.


Bryce - went to beach today

Bryce - went to beach today

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Addison - she's so adorable

Bryce - I know she's so grown

Addison - yes baby's grown

End of the messages

I told y'all we didn't talk so much, we have tried to work our relationship but it didn't work so ya anyways we went back to sway, Blake just picked her up when I entered the house she was tired anyways.

Blake - looks like she's tired

Bryce - yea we've done so much today

Anna did the grabby hands for me, I picked her up she laid her head on my chest.

Bryce - alright good night

Blake - night dude

I took her upstairs to my room, we laid down for a bit watching tv then she fell asleep. I picked her up like a baby and went to her room, I placed her on the crib and turned the baby noise thing (still don't know what it's called) I walked out and changed my outfit and brushed my teeth, I went to bed and fell asleep.

(hi!! hope y'all are enjoying my story <3 have a good day people)

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