Extra 1- Eres tú hasta el final ️[Stefan's pov]

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The title translates into "It's you until the end"

aubade (noun)                                                                                                                       a love song sung at dawn

--Enter s2 - 16, closeted gay, in love with a boy who never noticed him     

Stefan knew he was attractive. Ever since he was child, he's always had people tell him how he had a pretty face and a sharp jaw and how he should pursue acting or modelling. Sure, hearing their compliments gave him some sort of pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment, but deep down, he knew it wasn't their words that mattered.

When he was 9, Stefan's family moved into a new community. It had all sorts of people in it. But there was only one boy who caught his attention. Stefan was horrifyingly clever. He was open-minded and accepting, handsome and intelligent. It seems as if he could have anything he's ever wanted, but that isn't true. Because he could never have the one thing he's always want. Benji Gerome. 

The day he moved into his new home, Stefan looked out of his window. It was the first thing he did. Because Stefan loved windows. But unfortunately, his window's view was blocked by the house next door.

But Stefan wasn't sad, or even disappointed. not in the least. Because when he looked out of his window, he saw a boy. A damaged husk of a boy who pretended to be a happy child. When he looked out of his window, he saw everything that ever mattered to him.  Everyday, he watched as a boy with the happiest smile ever would walk into the room. He would watch as the smile disappeared and the boy slumped to the ground. He would watch as the boy curled up into a ball, head against his knees, and cried. He would watch Benji, everyday. He would treasure the tears the boy shed, and smile every time the boy tripped over air with his inhumanely clumsy feet.

It wasn't very long before Stefan realized he was in love with the boy outside that window. to be specific, on the night of his 13th birthday, as he watched the boy slump to the ground once more, as he watched the boy's luminous eyes dim and cloud over with tears. As Stefan watched the boy, he felt it, deep inside, that if he was ever given the chance, he would make sure that another tear would never come out of those pretty eyes of that boy.

But even he knew that the chance he hoped for, would never come. because Stefan was different. And not different because he was a prodigy, a genius, but because he couldn't remember the first 8 years of his life. Because there was a blank slate where there were supposed to be happy memories, and because his mother cried every time he smiled at her.

Because he's never been to physical school, and all his life he's been studying online. Because he was a freak and someone like Benji would never love him.

So he stayed in his room, and he watched through the window, unable to help as the boy he's been in love with ever since he could remember would break to pieces and shatter like glass. Everyday, he watched. He watched and watched and watched until the boy was all he could think of, speak of, until the boy was all he could feel.

So Stefan lived his monotone life, away from society, protected from an evil he didn't even know existed.

Until one day, his online teacher proposed an arrangement.

The teacher explained, that since Stefan only ever took online classes, it would be a miracle to receive any credit or grace marks to help with college recommendations. He told Stefan that there was a student who was in dire need to tutoring and help, and apparently that this student lived quite close to him. Intrigued, Stefan decided to tutor this student, and agreed to meet him at a library close by in a few hours.

Little did he know, that this student was the boy he's been in love with since was 9.

Stefan entered the old library, looking around, trying to find the student with the red hoodie

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Stefan entered the old library, looking around, trying to find the student with the red hoodie. His eyes wandered until they landed on a boy in an uncannily familiar red hoodie. He slowly walked towards the boy, trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar.

And by the time it hit him, it was a little too late to run. Because as he stood right behind the boy, all he could think of was the fact that the boy's hair looked too much like his hair, how their height, shoes, vibe, everything matched up. All he could think of was the fact that right here, in front of him, was the boy he loved from a distance, the boy he loved secretly, quietly.

And when the boy stood up and turned, sensing the person behind him, all the air seemed to rush out of Stefan's body. It was his first time seeing the boy up so close, and he noticed all these new things about him, like the light dusting of freckles he could never see through the windows and walls, and the tiny scar under his eye that just made the boy look even more beautiful. He smiled, because there was so much more to this pretty boy then he had seen. There was so much more than the painful tears and the crumpled clothes and the dirty shoes. 

And as soon as the moment came, it went away. Finally finding his voice, Stefan stated calmly

"I'm Stefan, your tutor"

And when he finally heard the boy's voice, his entire being trembled, and he could feel it in his soul, how much he loved this boy.

"I know" he replied quietly, to the boy telling him his name.

He watched as the boy's head tilted lower, as his ears went bright red, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Stefan let out a small laugh. Because his love was blushing, and all he'd done was smile at him. Because this was the chance he thought would never come, and there is no way in hell he was ever going to let this boy go, ever.

Because it was him.

"Siempre has sido tú, y siempre lo será, hasta el final"

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