Chapter 2

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James dragged her to the end of the corridor into a dark corner and pushed her up against the wall.
His hands and lips roamed her body violently and rushed.
As a whimper left her mouth, she shoved him with all her might.

But it didn't affect him, there was no life in her arms and her knees bucked under him as he had her pinned with his pelvis against hers to the wall.
She turned her head away from him as he brought his face close to hers, she tried again to push him away but nothing happened.
Nothing was happening except what he wanted, she felt helpless and her mind rushed to the stranger who dismissed them earlier and she let out an agonising scream.

James seemed unfased as he loosened his belt buckle and bunched up her skirt. He began rushing to lift it and it was getting tangled.

Aureliah felt her heart rise to her chest.

Her heartbeat quickened and her ears were ringing.

She couldn't breathe, she couldn't.

And then suddenly.....
...she could.

By the time she acknowledged what happened, James was sprawled across the floor, his pants halfway down his legs.
He sat up quickly and got onto his feet.
Aureliah looked around at her bearings panicky and then released the breath she had been holding.

It was him. The man from the hallway, he came back.

James ran towards her and again she was frozen, her body and mind failing to work together.
Her ears blocked out the noise too, she could only watch in horror; the scene before her.

This tall stranger placed himself inbetween Aureliah and James recieving a blow to the stomach and another to his chest.
Another might have landed on his face but he grabbed his fist.
"Not the face." He sneered and hit him with so much force thay he stumbled back and onto a sofa which he tumbled over.

Aureliah was held by the shoulders and slightly shaken. Slowly his voice came into focus as his hand cupped her head.
"Are you okay, miss?" His voice was so alarming and her ears heard it but her brain refused to acknowledge anything.

Even when James hit him from behind and he fell to the floor and then when he kicked his stomach and he coughed blood, Aureliah stood there watching.

There was now a knot in her chest and James grabbed her arms and pushed her onto the sofa.
She finally screamed and it was so painful but he forced his way ontop of her and again was pressing her down onto the cushions.
She felt him grab her bare thighs and pain seared up her stomach too as he leaned back readying himself.

And suddenly there was silence.

And blood.

And the worried face of her rescuer.

James had become limp and fell off her.
She was lifted up by a pir of strong arms and calloused hands pushed her hair back from her face.
Again his voice was very distant till her dragged her by her arm into a big room and locked the door behind them.
He again grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into the bathroom and sat her down on a stool.

He placed a big and warm blanket on her shoulders and wrapped it around her tightly.

He leaned down infront her.
She felt his hand stroke her hair and she leaned into it. But when she closed her eyes, she jumped back which caused him to move back too.
Her eyes widened and things began to become clear again. His face becane clearer to her and she stood up, only for her knees to buckle and give way.

He watched her sit herself up and lean against the stool, he knew better than to approach her after what she's been through.
She tightened the blanket around her and hugged her legs, her whole world came crumblng down in one night.
She was a mess of emotion; fear, guilt, shock, confusion and anger.
He let her cry for a while, taking a seat on the chair opposite her, his hands were coated in his blood and it began to dry up around his nails.

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