Chapter 3

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The next morning everyone gathered for breakfast in the hall.
The tables were filled with amazing displays of food and drink, and every jam you could think of.

The sun shone in through the tall windows in the light illuminating the food and casting a golden sheen on the faces of the household staff and its masters.
All except one.

"Where is Aureliah, this fine morning?" Questioned Lord Humphrey, taking a long sip of his freshly pressed orange juice.
"She is sleeping, your Lordship." Spoke Dorothy, Aureliah's maid. "Last nights festivities really tured her out."

"Pass the cheese, please." Called Agnes as bkth Lord and Lady Moore exchanged looks.
"Do see she is well rested Dorothy." Spoke Lady Amelia. "For there are already six calls from potential suitors."

She was beaming ever since the crack of dawn, there have been flowers and presents of food and jewellery sent by suitors addressed to 'the lovely Lady Aureliah.'

"Yes of course, your Ladyship." Dorothy excused herself and trailed back to the kitchen.
There, she compiled a tray of a heavy breakfast and carried it to Lady Aureliah's chambers.

Aureliah's full body was aching so hard and so was her stomach. She hadn't been able to keep anything down her throat since last night.
Her toes were blistering up and her eyes were swollen.

"Ah milady, breakfast." Dorothy pulled back the curtains and allowed the sun to pour into the darkened room.

"Oh Dorothy." Aureliah sat up with quite some difficultly and she rushed behind her to add another pillow.

She had given Dorothy her dress from last night and asked her to incinerate it.
Once she had finished puking up her guts and bathed, Dorothy had demanded to know everything.

Dorothy helped remove the covers from her body and Aureliah's night dress had ridden up her leg. The bruises from last night were visible and she shivered, Aureliah choked back a sob as Dorothy held onto her.
"It's okay milady. Shhhh." She comforted her, stroking her hair.

Dorothy was like the caring big sister Aureliah never had.

Ever since she can remember, Dorothy was there. Every birthday, every holiday or trip as a family, Dorothy was always running around with Aureliah's belongings and tending to her whenever she needed.

Dorothy's parents died when she was only fourteen winters old and she began working here in Aureliah's household to look after her younger brother.

"Come on milady, you need to eat something." She offered Aureliah some bread laced with strawberry jam and she took it.

After two bites, she discarded it and drained the glass of pomegranate juice.
"I'm sorry Dorothy, but I can't." She spoke pushing her loose hair back from her face.

"Some grapes?" Dorothy offered, and Aureliah took them. Popping one in her mouth and when it exploded sending a cooling sensation down her throat, she sighed and grabbed another bunch.
Dorothy smiled, grapes were always Aureliah's favourite even on sick days.

After some more pomegranate juice, Aureliah climbed out of bed. She had dismissed the rest of her maids for the day and it was just her and Dorothy so she grabbed her satin robe and put it on, wincing as her arms ached.

There was a knock at the door, Dorothy rushed to open it as Aureliah stood up and turned around.
A bearded man appeared who had to duck his head to not hit the door frame.
Aureliah thought she would have been the one who would feel uneasy under his gaze but it was him who looked so uncomfortable and nervous.

His arms were massive and he wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers.

Aureliah couldn't help but smile and then there was something familiar about him.

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