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 Its been two months since Izuku adopted Shinso, they go by the nicknames Izu and Toshi. Shinso isn't afraid to speak and is the sweetest kid. There brothers and mean the world to each other. After Izuku tucks Shinso to sleep he leaves for his nightly patrol and continues being Shadow, its always fun teasing Eraserhead and evading his capture weapon. Life is good, he has enough money to look after himself and Shinso and he is helping people.

Shadow had just taken down three villains and was waiting for the detective to pick them up, once he heard the sirens he climbed and jumped up the building to the roof and there stood Eraserhead. Izuku has been a real pain for Eraserhead but he has noticed the kids age and worries even if he doesn't say it. "Shadow surrender or I arrest you" he says capture weapon ready, then Izuku hears something and he goes pale and freezes, Eraserhead just panics and worries, "shadow?" he asked snapping him back. The kid was in full panic, "come with me" he said and starts running and jumping onto rooftops, Alzawa just follows and tried keeping up. The stop at a house, just a normal house, "why are we hear?" Eraserhead asks, "basement" the kid replied and then he cringes to nothing. The kid parkour's down to the path and stands right outside the door, "call and ambulance and Tsuky" he says and Eraserhead does but is still confused, yet he can feel the anger and fear coming from the kid. Then he kicks the door down and runs into the house navigating like he's been there before and goes straight for the basement, they get there and Alzawa gasped, in the basement there was blood everywhere and three teenagers chained with slash and cut marks and a male probably the father about to cut them again, Alzawa was still getting over what he was seeing before he realised that Shadow had already knocked the guy unconscious and was unchaining the teenagers. Once Izuku had them all down he started placing bandages on the kids "your going to be okay now, your safe" he said and the teens just cried as Shadow helped there injuries, Eraserhead finally came out of his trance and took the guy away, once the teens were in ambulance and Tsuky arrived Shadow vanished. "How did he know?" Tsuky asked, "he heard them" Eraserhead said, "I think his quirk is super hearing, it would explain how he always saves people when they call for help and how we never know" Eraserhead said "its still illegal" Tsuky said even though he was fond of the kid and the cat and mouse game they had.

Shinso turned four two months ago and his quirk fully manifested, him and Izuku have been testing its limitations and Izuku has been helping Shinso with control. The two brothers have gotten really close and know how to comfort each other, sometimes Shinso helps Izuku with jobs and errands other times Izuku is teaching him and home schooling him. Izuku takes Shinso to the park sometimes too and they just don't tell anyone what his quirk is and Shinso actually manages to play with kids his age. Izuku is almost ten and has been Shadow for two years, although he has looked he hasn't found a sign of his father which is good. He also looked into Shinso's parents and found which villain the father was. Izuku has been helping people and stopping crime every night but he also made enemies. He knows there is a bounty on his head and he has heroes and villains after him, but that's okay as long as he can help.  

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