Training camp

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 The next few days was mainly the two classes excited for the training camp. The two days before the camp students were allowed home to say goodbye to there parents, whereas Todoroki and Izuku spent the entire two days together and slept in each other's arms.

Today they left on the bus for the training camp and Izuku knew something was going to happen he had a gut feeling again. So Izuku packed extra knifes and gear. Todoroki and Izuku sat together in the back and Todoroki fell asleep on Izuku's shoulder which he found adorable, whereas Shinso sat with Alzawa. They arrived and Shinso immediately clung to the kid named Kota being stubborn which Izuku could tell Kota liked, so while the class was dropped of a cliff Kota and Shinso became friends. "This is Pixiebob's quirk there like the robots weakest at the joints" Izuku said and quickly organised the class so they easily destroyed the earth monsters and made sure they were going the right way. The pussycats were surprised at how quickly they finished the forest and as soon as they got out Shinso dragged Kota over. "Izu im adopting Kota" Shinso said and the entire class thought that was adorable, Kota just looked confused, "Toshi not everyone wants to be adopted" Izuku said, "I didn't and you did me" he said, "you were three I wasn't giving you a choice" Izuku said, "so he's six same age as me" Shinso says, "hi im Izuku nice to meet you" Izuku says to Kota who glares at him, Kota just walks away with Shinso running after him. "That was adorable right?" Izuku asked his friends and they agreed. So they all went and ate whilst catching up with Class 1-B, Shinso and Kota sat opposite Izuku. The feeling in Izuku's gut was nagging at him and making him really agitated so he left without saying a word, Alzawa came out, "what's wrong problem child" he asked, "can we fight I need to blow of some steam" he asked struggling for air in a panic attack surprising Alzawa, he just nodded. Izuku attacked all the stress from Shinso's kidnapping and the gut feeling was bubbling over and he needed to explode. Alzawa was literally just dodging punch and kick after another he could tell that Izuku was about to have a breakdown, that everything the last few weeks had built up. Some of the class watched as well as some pussy cats then after a while Izuku stopped and fell to his knees in tears, Alzawa just knelt down and brought him in his arms, Izuku clung to Alzawa as if his life depended on it. Everyone watching hearts broke especially Todoroki and Shinso, Shinso ran over to hug and comfort his big brother who was struggling to breath from panicking and crying, "Izu" he said and Izuku broke down more hugging both of them. "Im sorry it took so long for me to find you Toshi" he said and Shinso hugged him tighter, "im so sorry" the boy kept repeating and all his friends could do is watch and have there heart break. "I couldn't protect you" he said and Shinso started to cry as well, "you got hurt saving me Izu" he said and burst into tears, Alzawa could only sit there holding his two cry baby sons heart shattering. After a while they calmed down Shinso went back to Kota but Izuku stayed on the floor in Aizawa's arms safely, "im sorry" he said, "don't be problem child" he replied, and Izuku sniffled and sat up, "okay dad" he said and Alzawa hid his blush behind his capture weapon before they both got up, Alzawa went to tell the class to stop being so noisy and Izuku sat facing the forest on a log. Todoroki noticed Izuku looking like he was on guard so he sat next to him, "you okay?" he asked and Izuku nodded, "I have a bad feeling" he said and Todoroki knew Izuku was never wrong so he stayed on guard keeping him company. After the baths everyone went to bed, Izuku once everyone was asleep couldn't sleep from the feeling so went back to his post. He sat sensing the entire night on guard, Alzawa woke up early and noticed his problem child wasn't in bed and then found him on guard. "Problem child get some sleep" he said, "can't and I know something is going to happen today" he says and starts pacing, "problem child you need sleep" he says worried watching his son pace in worry, "I tried I just cant and I cant patrol so im on guard instead" he says pacing still, Alzawa walks over and wraps his arm around him stroking his back and ruffling his hair, Izuku suddenly becomes very tired and practically falls asleep in the man's arms standing up, Alzawa picks him up and puts him in bed staying close since he seemed to be having a nightmare.

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