The date

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 The next day both boys thought it was torture, it took so long. When the day did end they met up in an alley they agreed on so nobody would see them, Izuku then got out two wigs and sunglasses for both of them and they both thought it was funny, now they could both be seen in public and not be recognised. "Where are we going" Todoroki asked and Izuku just held his hand and led the way then they arrived at a theme park. "Ive never been to a theme park so I thought id like to go for the first time with you" Izuku said embarrassed and Todoroki thought it was so cute, so they spent the evening going on all the rides and having lots of fun. Todoroki laughed whenever Izuku would try a new food like cotton candy which made his eyes sparkle, and then they went in the photo booth. The first one was with there disguises and the rest without, the pictures showed them being so happy and lovey dovey. "So what do you think about theme parks" Todoroki asks, "there a lot of fun and there are so many people smiling" he said and Todoroki took his hand, "there's one more thing you have to see" he says and leads Izuku to the Ferris Wheel. They line up and soon they were sat inside holding each others hand, when they got to the top Izuku's eyes lit up, "wait for it" Todoroki said with excitement then all then rides lights turned on, "wow its so pretty" Izuku said looking at all the colours in the black and stary sky, "Its perfect" Izuku said facing Todoroki who was grinning, they locked eyes for a minute before Izuku kissed Todoroki on the lips, the warmth and feeling bringing the boys together as they sat in each other's arms looking at all the colours, then they got off, "you hungry?" Izuku asked and Todoroki nodded so they made there way to a restaurant, they got a table and looked at the menu, Izuku looked confused, "Todoroki I have no idea what any of this stuff is can you pick something for me" Izuku asked embarrassed and Todoroki laughed and so ordered both there meals, Todoroki grinned when he saw Izuku's face once the food came, they ate happily and then paid and left holding hands. "This might have been the best day of my life" Izuku said and Todoroki kissed him before they continued walking home, "I really don't want to go home my dad comes back today" Todoroki said, "you can stay at my house I live alone away but you should let your family know" Izuku said and so Todoroki did and followed Izuku to his house, he was so impressed when he saw the place. "I need to go on patrol tonight so I probably won't be back till like 4am" Izuku said sitting on the couch. "I can wait" he says and sits down as well, Izuku then points to the shower and bed and his clothes for Todoroki to wear, he gives a quick tour then changes into his Shadow outfit. "Feel free to sleep before I get back and if you need anything just call, make yourself at home" Izuku says then leaves. "Someone's happy" Eraserhead says and Izuku ignores him and spends the night smiling, then when he gets back to the house he finds Todoroki sleeping in his bed, so Izuku changes and sleeps on the couch.

Todoroki woke up and noticed it was one of the best nights of sleep he had, then he saw Izuku sleeping on the couch and he thought it was adorable. Todoroki was in some of Izuku's clothes which he loved because they smelled like Izuku, he was so happy. Not long after Todoroki woke up so did Izuku, "you could have woken me up" he said and Todoroki smiled, "you were just so peaceful" he said and Izuku sat up and yawned, "how was patrol" he asked, "stopped some villains and saved a kid being bullied" Izuku said before getting up, "im gonna have a shower then we can go out for breakfast since I have no food" Izuku said tiredly before he walked into the bathroom and showered, he came out and grabbed a few things before they left. They walked to the café down the road and got a breakfast and Izuku got coffee, "so are we dating?" Todoroki asked, "yes but we should probably keep it secret for now other wise the reporters will be all over you" Izuku said and Todoroki agreed, so they walked to school splitting up to make it look like they weren't together. The next few weeks Todoroki brought some clothes from home to store at Izuku's home for whenever he slept over for when his dad came over or when he didn't want to go home. They went on a few more dates and Izuku told Todoroki about his past and they got even closer, UA was going well and Shadow helped more people.

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