Chapter Eighteen

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"How was your first session?" Dex asked as he handed Sophie a tray and made room for her in the lunch line.

"Oh, fine—except I was almost electrocuted." She tried to keep the quiver out of her voice. Sir Conley stopped the lightning from hitting her, catching it in a tiny fluted vial at the last possible second. But the hairs on her arms still stood on end. Especially since she'd also botched the class assignment, and she caught Sir Conley making notes about it. Would he be sending them to Bronte?

"That's elementalism for you," Dex said. "Wait till they make you collect your first tornado. They're not easy to catch."

Of course they weren't. Because they were tornadoes! "Why do we have to learn to bottle that stuff, anyway?"

"Mastering all the elements is one of the steps toward entering the nobility."


"No idea. Neither of my parents are in the nobility, so I don't know much about it."

Right. His parents were a "bad match"—whatever that meant. "Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you had detention?"

"I still have to eat," he grumbled, filling his tray with brightly colored foods.

The lunch line wound through a series of stalls, like a food court at the mall. None of the food was recognizable, so Sophie grabbed whatever Dex took.

"Sorry I got detention on your first day. Are you going to be okay without me?"

"Sure." She'd eaten lunch alone her whole life—what was one more day?

Except there were no empty tables inside the cafeteria, which took up the whole second floor of the glass pyramid. Sophie scanned the faces hoping to find Fitz, but all she saw were strangers, most of whom looked away, like they were tying to discourage her from joining them. 

She was on the verge of panic when a pair of teal eyes caught her attention. Unfortunately, they were set into Biana's perfect face.

Biana held her gaze and shook her head—barely perceptible—but the message came through loud and clear: Don't even think about sitting here.

Sophie ignored the sting of the insult, focusing on the bigger problem. Biana was sitting next to Fitz. Where was she supposed to go now?

Jensi rushed to her side. "Hey, my friends and I have a table—it's only guys—and most of them are pretty lame—but you can totally sit with us."

She might've hugged him if her hands hadn't been full. "Thanks, Jensi."

If Jensi's friends were human, they would've been skinny, with acne and braces. Since they were elves, they were fairly good looking—or they could've been if they hadn't slicked their hair into greasy ponytails. They stared at her like they'd never seen a girl up close before. One of them even drooled.

"Sorry," Jensi mumbled, setting his tray down with a bang. "C'mon, guys. I said be cool!"

"Sorry, dude," they all said in unison, and went right on staring at Sophie.

Jensi sighed. "So, how was the E?"


"Elementalism," one of the greasy ponytails explained. "Dude, you don't know that's what we call it?"

"Of course she doesn't. She's been living with humans," Jensi explained before she could say anything. He grinned like he'd just done her a huge favor. But she had to fight the urge to crawl under the table. Especially when all his friends leaned back in their chairs and said, "Dude."

She barely held back her sigh. "Elementalism was good. I wasn't zapped."

"Well, duh," the drooly one volunteered. "Your clothes would be all singed and stuff if you were."

Jensi rolled his eyes. "Anyway—what do you have next?"

"The Universe." The name alone sounded daunting.

"Don't you mean the U?" the drooly one asked with an exaggerated wink. The other guys giggled.

Jensi shot them all death looks. "That's not what we call it. Stop messing with her."

"Sorry, dude," they mumbled.

"Enough with the 'dude'—you guys are killing it!"

"Sorry, dude."

Jensi looked ready to explode. Sophie covered her laugh with a cough.

"Thanks for taking care of her, guys, but I'll take it from here," a girl's voice interrupted.

All the greasy ponytails stared and drooled again as a pixielike girl grabbed Sophie's tray and motioned for her to follow.

"What are you doing?" Sophie hissed.

"Rescuing you," she whispered, tossing her blond hair.

Not sure what else to do, Sophie murmured a quick goodbye and caught up with the girl.

"You can pay me back later," she said without turning her head. She was extremely petite, and her uniform looked like it spent the night balled up on the floor, but she still looked pretty. Maybe it was the way she'd twisted some of her hair into tiny braids, or her huge, ice blue eyes.

"Sitting with those guys is social suicide," she explained.

"Jensi's not so bad," Sophie argued. Sure he was a little overeager, but he'd come to her rescue twice already.

"Yeah, he's fine, but those other guys . . ." She shuddered. "My name's Marella. Not Mare. Not Ella. No nicknames." She led Sophie to her table and set the tray down next to hers. "Most of the people here aren't worth my time. But I figured anyone who got Stina to hate her in less than a day is my kind of girl. Take a seat."

For some reason Sophie obeyed, noticing Pinkie Pie pulling desserts out of her hair, but Marella didn't seem bothered by it. "Stina hates me?"

"Oh yeah. But you're better off. She's evil," Marella shrugged.

"So I keep hearing." Sophie wasn't sure it was a good idea to have enemies though. Would Bronte use that against her if he found out?

"Anyway, I saw you over there with the drooly boys and felt sorry for you, so I thought I'd try making a friend." The way she said it was almost like Sophie should feel honored. "You gonna eat or what?"

"Oh. Right." Sophie took a small bite of a green puffy ball and felt her lips pucker. It tasted like sour licorice soaked in lemon juice. "Do you usually sit by yourself?" she asked when she could move her face again.

"Sometimes I let boys sit with me, but I'm not a fan of girls. Girls are annoying." She shot Sophie a warning look, like she was ordering her not to be obnoxious. "Like, check out Princess Prettypants over there." She pointed to Biana and rolled her eyes. "I'd rather hang out with a bunch of goblins."

Sophie grinned. She couldn't understand how such a grumpy brat could be related to Alden and Della—or Fitz.

Equestria Girls of the Lost Cities (a KOTLC/EQG fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora