Chapter Twenty-two

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Seventh Year- Potions Classroom.

"You sure this is going to work?" He asked Alexia.

She shrugged, holding the vial up to eye-level.

"It has to."


Alexia was shaking as Cal brought Andrew kicking and screaming into the potions lab.

"You don't understand! She's my reason to live! She's my breath, my blood, my everything! Talia! Tal-"

"Put a sock in it for once, Wormwood." Callum snapped.

Cal held him down as Alexia made her way to him with the vial.

Andrew kicked it out of her hands-

And Giselle caught it.

"Andy, please. This isn't you, it's Amortentia."

"Bloody Hufflepuff. You're useless-"

"Keep talking, Wormwood, and I'll hex you." Alexia snarled

"Andy." Giselle looked close to tears. "Remember, you have to just remember. Remember when you took me to Hogsmeade? Remember when we went to that Muggle cinema? Remember?"

"Go rot in hell." He snarled.

Alexia had her wand inches from his face.

"Force it down his throat, I wouldn't mind this version of Andy leaving for good." Callum said, scowling.

A tear escaped down Giselle's cheek as she pressed the vial to his lips and made him drink.

Andrew thrashed, or tried to, in Callum's iron grip.

Then when the last of the potion was swallowed he went still, eyes shut.

"Is he dead?" Callum asked.

One eye opened, albeit weakly.

"Not yet, bastard." Andrew croaked. "Merlin, I feel like I've been hit in the head with a Bludger." He groaned.

"He's ok." Alexia said, relief overtaking her.

Giselle threw her arms around him. "Thank Merlin."

Callum let go of him and punched him in the shoulder.

"You are a grade A bastard, Lion."

"Same goes to you, Serpent. Damn, what day is it? That potion hit me hard."

"So, you remember?" Giselle asked hopefully.

"Yeah, every nitty gritty detail. Cupcake, I'm so sorry-"

Giselle shook her head and kissed him.

Alexia took Callum's hand and led him out of the Potions room.

"Well, all's well that ends well." She chuckled.

"Do you think Talia's going to get revenge?" Callum asked.

"Maybe, but let's not worry about that, we've got an All-House Ball to attend after holidays."

He grinned, hand still in his, he lifted it and placed a swift kiss on her knuckles.

"And I'll make sure to treat you like a princess."

"Um, I, well, I think I have to go pack you know for Easter Holidays? Yep bye."

She heard Cal laughing as she buried her burning face in her hands and sped to the Ravenclaw Dormitories.

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