Chapter Twenty-seven

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Rohadran Estate: Back Gardens

"Please be seated. We are gathered here today in the presence of family and friends to celebrate this wonderful marriage, between two souls so obviously intertwined."

Tears rolled down Alexia's eyes and she sniffled quietly, holding her bouquet, albeit small, and prayed to Merlin not to ruin her white dress.

"Today is a day that Sorrel and Rolana have been thinking about for a long time. Today, their journey as two separate souls comes to an end, and married life begins. The gratitude in this room today is overwhelming; we all have so much to be grateful for as we have all played a part - large or small - in the success of this relationship. Sorrel and Rolana extend their deepest gratitude to you for being here to support and encourage them as they cross the threshold into a wondrous new chapter."

Rolana smiled brightly, Sorrel taking her hands.

Alexia sniffled slightly louder than intended. Giselle passed her a handkerchief, whispering in her ear.

"Maids of Honor don't cry like babies." She grinned.

"With the full support of their newly blended community, Sorrel Quinn and Rolana Rohadran stand ready to declare their commitment to one another."

Callum shot her a "I'm about to gag" look from behind Sorrel and she fought not to laugh.

"You may now say your vows."

Sorrel began. "Rolana, my ridiculous, crazy, nutcase, from this day forth I promise to love you with all my heart. I promise to nurture you in sickness and in health. I promise to encourage you in low moments and high moments. I promise to be your unyielding support through all that life has in store for us. With this love, I promise you companionship, respect, and devotion. From this day forward, my heart belongs to you. Even if you're wrong about Apparition Theory."

Not one to be outdone, Rolana beamed. "Sorrel, my horrifying, dim witted, jock, from this day forth I promise to love you with all my heart. I promise to nurture you in sickness and in health. I promise to encourage you in low moments and high moments. I promise to be your unyielding support through all that life has in store for us. With this love, I promise you companionship, respect, and devotion. From this day forward, my heart belongs to you. Even if your breath stinks worse than dung bombs."

The crowd laughed and the officiant cleared his throat.

"Sorrel Quinn, do you take Rolana to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Rolana Rohadran, do you take Sorrel Quinn to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Sorrel and Rolana have asked Deren Rohadran to hold the rings. Please come forward with the rings at this time."

Everyone smiled as Deren eagerly hopped forward with the rings, nearly tripping in the process.

"Sorrel Quinn, please take your wife's hand in yours. As you place the ring on her wedding finger, repeat these words:
With this ring, I give you my heart."

"With this ring, I give you my heart."

"Rolana Rohadran, please take your husband's hand in yours. As you place the ring on his wedding finger, repeat those same words:
With this ring, I give you my heart."

"With this ring, I give you my heart."

Alexia may have been seeing things, but she could've sworn she saw Cal shed a tear.

"By the power vested in me by the Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now-"

Sorrel didn't wait for permission, with a squeal from his new wife, he dipped Rolana and kissed her deeply.

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