Billy Tessio x female reader

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Summary: Billy take you out for a date by the local lake and tries to get freaky :0

Warnings: nsfw(slightly), Billy being horny, and mentions of alcohol.

Word count: 1k+

  You had been going steady with Billy Tessio for a few months now and it's been a wild few at that. You knew you were getting into some trouble with dating a hoodlum, but you hadn't expected all the vulgar things those boys would say or do. Such things that would make your mother faint and she practically did when you told her that you were courting the eldest Tessio boy. It almost killed her when you said he was part of the infamous Cobras.

   After getting all dolled up for your date with your boyfriend. Billy said he was gonna take you to the local lake this afternoon, which made you go over the moon and  got you quite excited for the date.

  You made sure your hair was just right for the hundredth time today  before you finally made your way downstairs and into the living room, waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up. Thankfully your mother wasn't home or she'd be nagging about him from the kitchen. Even though it's been a few months, she still isn't happy with the decision you made about dating Billy.

  A few minutes of waiting had passed, finally hearing the honk of Ace's car. Ace had let Billy borrow it and you wonder how Billy convinced him to do so, but maybe you'd ask about that later. A smile pulled at your lips as you rushed to the door, but quickly composed yourself, Billy would surely tease you if he saw you this excited. You smoothed out your skirt and finally opened the door. While walking down the walk way a sweet and subtle blush played along your cheeks. You're nervous, but oh so excited to spend time with your boyfriend. "Hey Dollface," Billy said coolly as he leaned over and opened your door from the inside, " How you doin?" He asked as leaned back against his seat, arm resting atop of the door, watching you get in.

  "Hi," You mumbled shyly as you took a quick glance at your boyfriend, shutting the car door. You were rather grateful that this time it wasn't filled with all his hoodlum friends. "I'm just swell and you?" You gave a gentle smile before you peered in the back of the car, finding a blanket and a few drinks. The thought of Billy truly planning this and coming prepared for this date made you all giddy and flustered.

  "I'm doing great, Doll, just real excited to see you." Billy hummed before a smirk placed itself against his face. That smirk could mean so many things, but you already knew where the boy's mind was leading.  Billy turned up the radio that he dimmed down as he started to drive to your desired location. While driving you felt Billy's hand upon  your knee, gently he rubbed circles with his thumb against your skin. This subtle action made your skin crawl with excitement, which made you more excited for some alone time with Billy.

  As you finally arrived at the lake and found a place to park, Billy complimented you. "You look good today." The boy hummed cooly, finding enjoyment with how your cheeks burned red. No matter how many times he compliments you, you always get so flustered.
"Come here." Billy chuckled as he leaned in, placing his lips upon yours. You quickly kissed back, clearly excited. As the two of you basically made out, you gently placed your hand on the crook of Billy's neck, holding on for support. The hand that was on your knee now traveled up your thigh, pushing up your skirt and coming dangerously close to your draws. You quickly put a stop to Billy's advancements by putting your hand on top of his. You pulled away from the kiss and gave him a timid but playful glare.

  "Let's get out before anything else, yeah?" You quietly suggested as the blush from before stayed on and kept your cheeks rosy.

  Billy cleared his throat with a slight awkwardness and nodded, "Yeah, yeah, of course, Doll." Billy then got out and went to your side of the car, opening the door. He then reached over in the back and grabbed the blanket and drinks, throwing the blanket over his shoulder:

  "Why thank you." You giggled as you  closed the car door, making sure to do so carefully. Billy wrapped his arm around your waist, his hand resting up on your butt, giving a slight squeeze at that.

  "You're welcomed, Sweetheart ." Billy said with a smirk as he took you to the spot he had chosen for the two of you. The spot had been underneath a big Oregon White Oak that was near the edge of the lake, but a good distance away to avoid the bugs. Underneath the tree was cleared out nicely with grass even throughout. Surrounding the area were wildflowers and other trees nearby. Billy had really thought this out.

  Billy laid out  the blanket and placed down the drinks, which were some bottled cokes and of course, beers for himself. Billy sat down, back against the large oak.
"Now come here Darling, I've been waiting for this all day." Billy chuckled as he pulled you down into his lap, making you giggle in delight. His hands  running all along your waist and your thighs through your skirt. Before you knew it, Billy crashed his lips against yours, in which you gladly kissed back. "Are you up for it?" Your boyfriend pulled away from the kiss, only centimeters away.

   "Up for what?" You questioned,  raising your eyebrows innocently. You knew what you were doing, but it was quite enjoyable to tease Billy.

  "C'mon, don't do this to me!" The boy groaned and furrowed his brows, throwing his head back against the oak.

  "Only if you came prepared." You shyly stated as your eyes darted away from Billy's, looking over the scenic view. The blush that was evident on your face is as bright as it ever was, burning a bright pink.

  "Of course I did." Billy quickly said before he dived down and started placing kisses along your neck. His hand raced up and passed your thighs, toying with the hem of your draws. You leaned your head back and quietly moaned, enjoying the sensation of his lips against your sensitive skin. You just hope Billy wouldn't say anything about this to his friends. You would die from all the teasing those boys would give you.

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