Sledding (Eyeball Chambers x Fem reader)

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(Richard 'Eyeball' Chambers x Fem reader)

Summary: trying to sled with Richie

Warnings: Eyeball being horny for a second, but generally fluff

a/n: This actually sucks

word count: 1.2k

         Winter still had its cold grasp upon Castle Rock, having a wide blanket of snow covering the ground and slicking the roads with ice. With such dodgy conditions, you and Richie had been cooped up in your parents home, watching the newly released show "Rawhide" on the television while snuggling up on the sofa. Richie had his head laid on your lap and his legs dangling off the arm of the sofa as his attention was on the television. As you also kept your eyes upon the tv screen, running your fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp. "Are you tired of cowboys yet?" Richie asked in a soft tone as he turned his head to look at you.

        "Maybe, but I don't think I'll ever be tired of Clint Eastwood." You said as you looked down to meet your boyfriend's gaze. "If you're so bored then what do you want to do?" you questioned as you pushed back his hair, exposing his forehead. With your question, you saw a grin appear on Eyeball's face and it could only mean one thing.

       Eyeball quickly sat up and pushed your back against the sofa and got atop of you. "You, Doll." He said excitedly as he went for his belt, hastily undoing it. It was honestly surprising how excited this boy could get in a matter of seconds.           

        As Richie dipped his head down to place a kiss on your lips, you placed a hand upon his chest and pushed him away. "Not today, Richie." You stated and he got off of you, but before he did, he placed a kiss on your cheek. "You know what we should do?" you brought up as you stood up, looking down at Eyeball, who stayed seated. You had clearly peaked his interest as he looked up at you, raising an eyebrow. "We should go sledding." You said with a smile and Eyeball just laughed in response and leaned back against the sofa.

      "Now Doll, we ain't fourteen anymore." Eyeball chuckled as he smirked, crossing his arms against his chest, looking at you in amusement. It was true, the last time the two of you went sledding, both of you were fourteen and that's when the two of you were only just friends.

       "Okay and?" You huffed as you kicked Eyeball's shin before you grabbed his hand, trying to pull him up. " It'd be fun." you sighed as you plopped yourself down next to Eyeball, resting your head against his shoulder, looking up at him. " Or are you scared of being teased by the gang?' You questioned as you squinted your eyes slightly, interrogating your boyfriend.

          "Of course not!" Eyeball quickly said, putting his hands up in a defensive manner, looking at you as if you had said the most deranged thing. "I'll only go if you buy me a beer." Richie offered as he raised his brows," Or maybe just a kiss." he then suggested.

         "Sometimes I don't like you." You grumbled before you leaned in and placed a soft kiss against Richie's lips. "Now get up." You demanded as you pushed yourself up and made your way to the coat closet, grabbing yours and an extra one for Eyeball. Richie had finally got up from the sofa once he saw you put your shoes on, putting on his after you. You handed the coat to Richie and he gave you a rather disgusted look. It was already odd that Eyeball had been wearing a long sleeve shirt today, but a coat? "You better put it on." You threatened as you grabbed gloves for the both of you and when you turned around, you saw Eyeball wearing the coat, but he refused to zip it up.

       "Lemme see the gloves, Doll face," Eyeball said as he took the gloves out of your hand and took your hands in his. Eyeball then helped put the gloves on your hands, doing it gently. As he finished, He placed a kiss upon your forehead.

       "Thank you, Richie." you said and you couldn't help but to smile. "You're too sweet." You spoke as you slipped the gloves on Eyeball's hand. When you looked up to meet your boyfriend's gaze, he looked as if he was truly disgusted. Eyeball truly didn't mind you calling him 'Richie' or 'sweet', but he had a reputation to keep up with and a constant reminder for you not to talk like that in front of the boys or he'd never hear the end of it. "Now c'mon, let's go before Ace decides to show up." You said as you grabbed Richie's hand and led him to the garage, grabbing the family sled.

         Once the two of you got the sled out of the garage, you and Eyeball started your journey to your sledding spot. The sledding spot was just past the middle school and behind the nearing neighborhood, then just up the hill, that's where you and Eyeball hung out for the first time. Eyeball laced his fingers with yours, swinging both of your arms back and forth. It was obvious he wasn't worried that his friends would see him, they usually didn't drive down this way nor did they risk driving in these icy conditions. They were most likely getting drunk at Ace's house. The walk wasn't too long, but the both of you couldn't feel your toes afterwards. As you reached upon the hill, memories flooded back from the first time you were here with Richie. Gosh, you had such a fat crush on him and it was now obvious that Richie was also sweet on you. "I still remember you throwing that snowball at the back of my head." Eyeball said, bringing you out of your thoughts, you couldn't help but to laugh.

       "And I still remember it being rather funny." You teased as you looked at him with a smile, reaching up and poking his nose. " I also remember being so sweet on you." You smiled, a blush rising and heating up your cheeks. Eyeball also smiled as he tucked his fists into his coat pockets.

         "So was I." Eyeball said as he started walking up to the top of the hill. "Are you coming or not?" And with that you started running up, trying to beat him to the top. Once Eyeball noticed that you were trying to race, he started running as well, but was slowed down by the snow. You had almost beat him, but Eyeball tackled you to the soft ground covered in snow. As you hit the ground, you accidentally let go of the sled and the two of you watched it quickly slide down the hill.

        "Oh I hate you, Richard Chambers." You laughed as you laid against the ground, Eyeball right beside you, who couldn't contain his laughter.

        Eyeball turned over and met your gaze, gently caressing your cheek with his gloved hand. "Don't lie, you love me." He smiled as he rested his forehead against yours. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He whispered underneath his breath, getting lost in your eyes.

       "Maybe I do love my Richie." you say as yours and Eyeball's noses gently bump each other. You were truly lost in the moment, this is what you wished had happened in the years before.

"I remember how bad I wanted to kiss you when we first went sledding together." Richie gently said as he lightly grabbed your chin, then leaning down and kissing you as you both laid in the snow.


Hi, feel free to request anythings <3

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