The Soldier vs Guile

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Requested by daleketchup

Team Fortress 2 vs Street Fighter, which two Military men will be successful in displaying their loyalty, discipline, professionalism, fighting spirit, ethics and care for soldiers in a military style battle

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: The Soldier, crazed, jingoistic patriot from Midwest, USA,

Megumi: And Guile, the major in the United States Air Force,

Toomi: These two patriots have an undying loyalty for their country to the point they will do whatever it takes to defeat those who opposes the safety of their country,

Megumi: And these two are really recognizable in more than one way! She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

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Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

The Soldier rocket launches into What if Battles

The Soldier rocket launches into What if Battles

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<Cue: American Soldier by Toby Keith>

Toomi: The era was the 1940s. The peak of World War II. And for a young man known only as Jane Doe, this meant the perfect opportunity to join the American Army. However, he was rejected by all military branches. Literally every single one.

Megumi: So he gave the finger to restrictions and flew to the war himself! After finding Poland, he taught himself how to fire and load guns and went on a Nazi killing spree, slaughtering all who stood against him and being awarded medals that he made and designed himself! Clearly he should get an award for dedication to his country!

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