Chapter 2

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(He lay his head in desk)

(His friend enter in classroom and slightly tap his head) "hey bro Sato you seem to be lacking in sleep. do you take after noon snack already?"

(He rise his head) "yeah, yeah"

"HAHA take time to sleep before our class starts, ohh I forgot we have vacant this afternoon we don't have classes until after school, just sleep there"

(Put his bag on the desk and lay his head on it) "kay"


(Strange little girl's voice) "Ken... Ken... Ken..."

He open his eyes a little, his sight was fuzzy and he saw a girl in front of him calling him

"Ken are you okay? Ken?"

And when he open his eyes fully he saw Violet watching him sleeping

(Surprised) "haaah!!"
(Suddenly get up)

(Violet laugh) "HAHA look like it's look like you have good dream"
(Took her handkerchief) "here use this"

(He looked confused) "what am I going to do with that?"

"You're drooling and sweaty"

(He suddenly whipped his sweat and drool with his sleeves) "hey can you forget that you see me like that?"

(Violet smiles) "yes, but in return can we be friends?"

(He look disagree on the request)

"You don't want? Then, I will not forget that, I'm going to tell it in class, plus I will show them the picture of yours while drooling"

"Okay! Okay! I'm going to be your friend! Just stay it a secret okay?"

"Yup, but promise me that you'll become my friend, promise?"
(Violet raised her pinky)
"Pinky swear"

"Aghh okay pinky"
(He turned his back on Violet) said to his mind "there a lot of time wasted, I want to go home"

"Hey let's go home together, we are neighbor, we have the same way home"

"I have no choice but to accompany you, let's go"

While they're walking Violet ask him what is his name

"My name is Ken..."

(there was a truck that suddenly blew its horn loudly) "beeeeeeeeep!!!"

(Violet surprised) "kyaaah!"

"Sato, there I said my name, I don't need to repeat it"

"Hey I didn't hear that, the truck was surprised me!"

"That's not my fault"

"Hey just said it again please"

(Ignore her)

"Hey don't just ignore me"

"I'm not ignoring you, I hear you and I just don't want to answer"

"Wait. What!?"

"We're here, I'm going now"

"Huh? We're here already?"
"Hey wait answer me before you go in"

(Door open)
(Door closed)

"Grrr that idiot totally ignores me"

(Door open)

"I'm home"

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