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(7 years later)

(Head of the employees)
"Congratulations for our rookie that suddenly hired in Canada!"

(All the employees)

"Bro congrats I can't believe you preceded me HAHAHA"
"Let's have drink, here, cheers"

"Thanks bro"

(3 days later)

(In the airport)

"My son me and your Mom proud of you"

"Big bro next time when you go home brought me something"

"Of course"
"Mom, Dad I'm gonna miss you, you too Alice"
"So! I gotta go now"

(On the airplane)

"That's too quick, I graduated two years ago and now I'm hired in a company in Canada"
"I hope everything will be fine when I come to Canada"

(He arrived)
"Hello Canad I finally arrived"
"Mhh what do I need to do now?"
"Ohh! They said that theirs a black car that pick me up and brought me to the company building"

"Good afternoon sir, if perhaps you are Kenji Sato?"


"I am the driver of the manager of the company that hired you, let me carry that luggage for you"


(After a minute)

"Sir were here"
"I'm gonna carry your luggage at the hotel"


"There's a reserved hotel room for you, a hotel near hear at the building you can walk from here"

"Wait but at least let me take my important documents and things in my luggage"

"Okay sir"

(A few minutes)

"They said I need to meet the manager in the room"

(Someone's running)

"I'm late I'm late I'm late!"
(She crushed with Kenji)


"Are you okay Miss I'm sorry I didn't see you coming"
(He picked up the documents fell)
"Here I'm sorry again)


"Can I ask?"
"Are you an employee here?"

"Umm... Why do you ask?"

"You know where's the manager's room?'

"Ohh just follow me Im going there too"

(They arrived)

"Let's go in"


(Door open)

"Huh? Where's the manager?"

"Welcome to my room. What do you need?"

"Ehhh!? You're the manager here!?"
"I'm sorry to my rudeness"

"No that's okay"
"What do you need here?"

"I'm the new hired employee here"

"Ohh sorry I didn't notice you!"

"So if I'm not mistaken you are Kenji Sato"

"Yes ma'am"

"So let me introduce myself"
"I am the manager of this company"
"My name is ..."

(Kenji surprised)

"Long time no see Ken"


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