Chapter 12

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(Kenji talking to his self) "It's almost April, the school year is coming to an end, and summer is coming, I think I can spend more time with Violet this summer"

I thought that would be happened but...


"Hey Ken! Where are you going?!"

"Look like you're early today"

"Yeah Dad saw cockroach approaching to his feet so he shouted loud, Kuro and I woke up in shock we thought something had happened"

"I hate cockroaches too, they're disgusting"

"Anyway do you have time after school?"
"I want to go out"

"Help me to finish our project in science so we can hangout"

"Aaaaaaahw why!!!? I'm feeling lazy to do school work"

"You can go alone without me, it's fine for me"

"I want you to go with me!"

"I don't want to spoiled you"

(Violet pouted)

"Just let me finish my project, after that we can go out"

(After school)

"Hey I'm going to help you with your project, I want that to end that right away so we can get out early hmmp"

"Mmm??? Okay"

(Kenji's room)

"What are you planning to do?"

"Our assign project was making your own theory how universe made"

"You want want to copy mine?"

"No I don't want to cheat"

"What a good boy"
"Hey I have question"

"What's that?"

"Umm, what are you gonna do if one day I suddenly leave you without saying?"

"I thought you're going to help me, you're just slowing me down"
"For your question, honestly I don't know what to do"

"Is that so?"
(Sigh) "laying here in your bed makes me feel sleepy"

"Hey Violet an I borrow that pen you holding?"

(No response)

"She fell asleep again"
(Kenji remembered their past months je shared with Violet)
(Chuckle) "hmhm we first meet at the first day of school, I can't believe we lasts long until now. I'm truly grateful to her"
"Don't worry Violet I'll do everything I can just to be with you, even if it takes a years"
(He covered Violet with his blanket)

(A few minutes)

"Violet wake up it almost 11 pm"
"She's not waking up"

"Hey hey come here I have something to say"

(Chuckle) "she's sleep talking"

"No I'm not"
(Violet open her eyes)
"Come here"

(Kenji approached Violet)

"Closer, I have something to whisper to you"

(Kenji got even closer)

"I love you"
(Violet kissed him)
"So... I'm going now, I need to be ready"

"For what?"

"Anyway, let's hangout tommorow"

"Okay. bye"


(Violet leaves)
"I'm sorry, I can do anything anymore"

(Morning classes)

"Class new announcement, Violet are not longer your classmate and student here, their going back to Canada now so..."

(Kenji suddenly stood up)
"Teacher may I go in toilet?"

"You may"

(He suddenly run)
(He remembered Violet said to him last night) ("what are you gonna do if one day I suddenly leave you without saying?")
"No, don't leave, don't leave, don't leave"
(His tears began to flow)

(Violet walking while thinking about what Kenji said) ("Don't worry Violet I'll do everything I can just to be with you, even if it takes a years")
"If you really care about me, you start doing everything even if it takes a year once you know that I'm leaving"

(as Violet was walking out of the store she suddenly bumped into Kenji)

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming"

(Violet surprised)
"Why are you here?"
"Classes are not over"



"I thought you were stranger"

"Where are you going? Why are you in hurry?"

"I'm looking for you"

"Can we talk in my place?"

(Harris's house)

"Are you really trying to leave without saying anything?"

"No I just..."

"Then, why you don't tell me sooner that you're going back to Canada?"

(Gasp) "to be honest I really plan not to tell you that"
"Because I know that if you give a good goodbye to someone you love, it will be a sad memory that will never be forgotten"

"Who said that thing?"


"Oow I'm sorry"
"so, it's true that you're leaving"
"I hope I didn't know you were leaving"
(Kenji stood up and left in frustration)

"Hey wait"

(Door closed)

"what's the point of looking at her?"
"She tried to leave me without saying goodbye"

(Violet chase him)

(Kenji stopped)
"Stop. There's no point of chasing me. Why don you packed and ready for your flight instead of doing anything"
"Don't mind me I'm just going home"

"Ken listen, this is the last."
"I love you"
"I will miss you"

"I miss you too"
(Kenji looked at Violet)
(Chuckle) "hehe Don't worry we will meet again someday"
"Take care of yourself self"

(Violet nods) "yes"

"Have a safe trip"



After she leaves my tears start to flow
"I cant hold back anymore"

After a few months I moved on but I haven't heard anything about her but I hope she's okay there



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