The Nest

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 The sun set peacefully upon the trio. Chibibi and Moralia stood up, walking further into the facility. They approached a large elevator platform. However, the sun had set completely, and it was too dark to see. Without hesitation though, a small light began to glow at the top of Chibibi's little staff.

"You don't have to tap your wand on the ground or anything like that?" Lux asked, puzzled.

"What? No, that's only in books and stuff Mr. Lux!" Chibibi laughed at him playfully. Lux looked away with a hint of embarrassment, thankfully covered by the darkness. Moralia smiled, but took note of Lux's lack of knowledge in regards to aether.

Lux started to press the buttons on the elevator. Unsurprisingly, they didn't work. But he knew it'd be best to not stay out in the open. He rejoined Moralia and Chibibi who had managed to find a small hatch. Moralia lifted it open and what greeted them was a flight of stairs.

"Wow... How long do you think it is?" Chibibi asked the both of them, but it was Lux that spoke.

"Considering the size of the elevator. Quite a ways..." Lux walked a few steps down, and saw that the flight descended at an angle. And the only thing stopping them was a railing, "Alright. Chibibi and Moralia. You can slide down and I'll follow the light. Flash it a few times after you've made the descent. Alright?"

Chibibi responded with reluctance, "Wait. How bout you slide down? Making light with a wand is easy enough for anyone. I can teach you!"

"... I can't really do that."

"Nonsense! Take my staff!" Chibibi handed him her staff and the light immediately went out.

"I. Can't. Do that." Lux was growing agitated.

"Oh come on, Mr. Lux, you're not even trying!"

Moralia took the staff and passed it back to Chibibi and the light emanated upon entering Chibibi's hand, "Chibibi, you and I will go." She lifted Chibibi without hesitation and jumped down the elevator shaft, sliding down with Chibibi in her arms. Chibibi's scream echoed down the shaft. Lux watched closely and listened carefully.

Upon completing the descent, Moralia knelt down in front of Chibibi, with a finger over her mouth, "Chibibi. Lux is hidin' somethin' from us. I can't say what exactly but somethin' seems off n' I don't like it." Moralia had a few hunches, but didn't want to say anything until she was sure.

Chibibi looked up sadly, she wasn't sure what to make of it. She knew Lux had their best interest at heart. Right? She nodded and flashed the light from her wand a few times.

Lux breathed a sigh of relief. He jumped down and joined them shortly afterward. It was dark and hardly anything could be seen that Chibibi's light wasn't reaching. Chibibi made a slight gasp, but before Lux or Moralia could ask what was wrong, they heard something. Wet, grotesque footsteps. Lux put his hand on his katana and Moralia drew her gunblade. Whatever it was, a monster is still a monster. And Lux had killed thousands. Suddenly, everything went dark. Chibibi's light had gone out. How? Lux closed his eyes. The footsteps had stopped.

Chibibi couldn't see anymore. She couldn't speak. She couldn't breathe. She could only feel her body was being dragged away. She was beginning to feel light headed. Something was choking her as it pulled her. A small muffled cough was all she could manage.

But that cough was all Lux and Moralia needed. Moralia shot directly behind her. Her aether bullet hit whatever was choking Chibibi, and the muzzle flash from Moralia's gunblade was the only light Lux needed. His blade cut off the appendage covering Chibibi's neck. They couldn't see this being, but it let out a blood curdling screech as it ran off, banging into walls as it scurried. Red lights came flashing on and off. Chibibi was coughing, trying to compose herself.

"I take it we didn't stumble upon the red light district, unfortunately..." Lux tried to keep a cool head, but his heart was racing.

"What in the Seven Hells was that thing?" Moralia's voice was shaken. She'd seen and gone up against plenty of monsters herself but never heard anything so loud and desperate.

Chibibi tried to get her act together, but she could feel her little feet get cold. She was shaking. None could blame her. It took her and everyone by surprise and she'd never felt so violated. She'd go back to dragons any day if it meant never having to feel this fear again.

But unfortunately it got worse. Not too long after the beast made its escape, they heard more of that screeching from all around them. This giant underground facility was far from uninhabited.

"Whatever it was, there's a lot more." Lux looked around for an exit, but the beast headed off into the direction of where the stairs most likely were. And in Chibibi's state, it seemed like there wasn't much of a choice but to find a spot to hide. Lux quickly sheathed his katana. He lifted Chibibi and took Moralia's hand and started to run. The screeches filled the dark red halls. Metal mechanical doors to his left and right banged upon. But worst of all were the dead Garlean bodies strewn about the floor. Necks broken, missing limbs, missing heads... Some were even missing upper and lower halves altogether.

"Just close your eyes Chibibi! We're gonna be ok!" Moralia shouted as she sprinted with Lux. Chibibi's eyes welled up as she couldn't bring herself to close her eyes. Her fear kept her from looking away. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Would this have happened to her if Moralia and Lux didn't save her?

Up ahead, Lux saw an open door. He rushed to it as fast as he could, but another strange appendage wrapped itself on Moralia's leg, causing her to trip and Chibibi to fall through the door. What in the Seven Hells was going on here? Lux saw Chibibi turn her frightened face toward him as the door shut between them. Lux turned around rushing toward Moralia when another appendage caught Lux by his throat. Slowly pulling him up into a vent. Moralia screamed Chibibi's name as she was swiftly pulled into another room. The door to the room Moralia was pulled into swiftly shut itself.

Lux failed Chibibi, he failed Moralia, and he was about to fail himself. Things were going dark.

Moralia was in a blind rage as she was dragged along the floor. All she could think about was Chibibi's wellbeing.

As for Chibibi... She looked around the dark room. There was only silence. She sniffled a little, and after a few moments, she began to cry.

"Mr. Lux? Moralia...?"

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