Dance Macabre

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Lux couldn't breathe. He grabbed the strange appendage pulling him into the vent. He opened his eyes, and finally saw at least a piece, up close, of what one of these things looked like; It's gaping maw and sharp teeth were disgusting. Lux couldn't stand the thought of being killed by a mindless beast. He took both of his hands, grabbing its mouth and keeping it open. The monster loosened its grip as it attempted to bite down. Lux screamed at the top of his lungs, using all his strength to open its mouth further. His hands were punctured by the teeth, but he kept at it until the creature's jaw popped. The creature went limp and Lux pulled it from the vent, slamming it down head first into the floor. Immediately, the door Moralia was dragged into opened. And another came running out. The red lights of this hall flashed nonstop, and other creatures came running out from the other doors. Lux was done with this. He drew his katana in his left hand, and his gunblade in his right.

"You don't seem to get it..." Lux realized what was going on, and he wasn't going to die here. "... I'm not locked up in here with you..." Lux got ready to attack, his blades at his sides, and screamed one more time, "You're locked up in here with me!" Lux ran head first at the screeching monsters, running through them swinging both blades at near blinding speed. Clean cuts with his left arm, brutal strikes with his right with an aether bullet to accompany it. Heads rolled and limbs fell. Lux had expended his only six bullets in his gunblade and there were still a few more monsters present. He'd reached the other side of the hall. He put his gunblade back on his back and sheathed his katana. He entered an Iai stance. He closed his eyes, gathering up as much strength as he could. The beasts sprinted at him. He needed just a little more time. They jumped toward Lux, barely an ilm away from his face. But it was too late...

"Die!" And just as the word left his lips, he was behind the creatures before they'd even landed. And as he sheathed his blade, the creatures fell to pieces before they even touched the floor. Lux looked at his hands. Blood, all over them. His own blood. He looked at his jacket, and saw the blood of the monsters. Any further blood that gets on him is going to belong to whoever was doing this to him, Moralia, and Chibibi.

Lux looked down the hall and saw that the door Chibibi went through was still closed. He ran to the door that Moralia was dragged into. He didn't have time to think about why that one was open. But he didn't care. He ran through the following door and sprinted through the corridor. He had a bad feeling about everything.

Whoever was behind this was as good as dead.

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