M.A.S.K.E.N part 1

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Doctor uncovered his head slowly, realizing... he didn't died. He looked above him. The glass icicle was few centimeters close to him. But was still, and didn't continued falling.

Doctor backed off, and looked around him.

The time stopped, and surrounding was completely colorless. Only Doctor himself still had his colors. Doctor was shocked while seeing this.

Ratchet and rest weren't moving. Doctor came closer to lombax, and waved in front of his face. Then he snapped his fingers, and said to Ratchet. -Hey! I'm ok!-. Yet lombax didn't do anything. His face was still showing terror.
-Did i died or what?-.

Doctor scratched his head, and looked at Pierre. -What is going on...-.

A strange, yet calm voice came out of nowhere. -Do you feel it?-.

Doctor looked around suprised. -Who said that!?-. He kept looking around, hoping he'll find the mysterious source of the voice.

-Do you feel it?- Voice asked again. Doctor stopped for a moment, and stood in place cofused. -Do i feel what?-. Nothing responded. Doc. Nefarious became angry a bit. -Do i feel WHAT!?-. Doctor impatiently, yet still confused crossed his arms, and waited for response for a moment.

Doctor rolled his eyes. -Look... if you wanna play with me guessing games... well, guess what. I, don't- Doctor got interrupted by something, that teleported right behind his back.

-DO YOU FEEL THE FEAR.- Voice asked, this time more menacingly and demonically. Doctor jumped, and turned around in panic.

A tall figure with blank, snow-white, human face with bright red eyes, shiny golden torso, and arms with moving gears was floating behind Doctor. -Who are you??- Doc. Nefarious asked nervously mysterious figure.

-I am Mono. The element of kindness.-.
Doctor raised his eyebrow. -Element of kindness? I never knew that elements like this even existed.-. Mono raised his hand, and reached to front of Doctor's face. -SILENCE. You dared to cross the reality, to what is unknown for mortals, and broke the rule, of Master's plan. Now you will face the cosequences.-. Doctor stood in place in complete shock. He had no idea, what Mono was talking about. -Whhhhat?- That's all Doctor was able to say.

Mono's left arm transformed into giant needle-looking weapon, and without warning stabbed Doctor in his chest with it. Strong electrical shock strucked his body. Doc. Nefarious screamed in pain, and collapsed onto the floor.

Mono waited for Doctor's body to stop moving,  grabbed him by his wing, and pressed some buttons on his right arm. A portal appeared before him, and he jumped into it with Doctor.

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