Unexpected visit

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-He's not here!- Pierre moved away more glass, searching for Doctor. Ratchet stepped away, and scratched his head. -I don't get it. If he was crushed, then he's supposed to be here.-. Rivet grabbed Kit, and placed her on the back. -What if he survived?-.

Ratchet looked around. -Hard to belive, but he might jump away. But i didn't saw him do it.-. Rivet looked at Ratchet. -We should try to look around. Maybe he really jumped away?-.

Ratchet wasn't sure if that was good idea, but for now they had no other options. But then Captain Quantum took the dimensionator, and came to lombaxes. -Hey! What about this?-. Lombaxes looked at Captain confused. -What?-. Rivet asked confused. -We might try to open the location he's in right now.- Captain said. Ratchet looked at device, and thought for a moment. -Hey Clank.- Lombax peeked at his friend.- Does dimensionator work also as teleporting machine? Clank also peeked at his friend. -Yes. If you switch the mode, from dimension to teleportation.-. Ratchet took the device, and pressed some buttons. Some lights on dimensionator changed their colors. Ratchet rolled the lever, and pointed device in front of him.

He was just about to shoot, when lombax felt that some strange power is trying to take the device from his hands. Soon dimensionator flew away, and made Ratchet fell on his knees. The dimensionator landed in somebody's hands, covered with magnets.

-Thank you Ratchet! Much appreciated!- A familiar, demonic voice came above Ratchet and rest.

Rivet looked above. -Astrado!? What are you doing??-. Tall robot standing on glass cliff looked at Rivet. -I'm gonna borrow this, and i won't return it.-. Everyone was shocked. Ratchet pulled his weapon out, and looked at Rivet. She pulled her weapon out too, and nodded at lombax. Captain Quantum took off his pirate hat, and took weapon.

-Give back the dimensionator peacefully, or we'll have to take it violently!- Ratchet said to Astrado. Robot chuckled loudly. -I'd like to see ya' try!!-.

[Battle between Astrado, Rivet and Ratchet begins]

Ratchet & Clank: Madness ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now