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"RILEY!" he hears his little sister shout his name when he closes the door behind him. Isabella comes running down the stairs "where are my favorite pair of jeans?" she asks him curious. "what are you talking about?" he asks confused. "the dark blue one" she answers. Riley searches in his bag and throws the jeans at her. It's the jeans Daphné wore last night, yes it smelled like her 'Miss Dior' perfume and yes it's true he actually smelled the jeans.

"what have you done with my jeans?" she asks with an raised eyebrow. "a friend needed them" he says "and this shirt also" he gives it to her. "was it Jérome?" she asks. "what? No" Riley says surprised. "Yves?" she asks. "no it was for a girl" Riley says and puts his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Isabella's confused look turns into a grin "was it for that girl who brought you home a few weeks ago?". "yeah" he answers calmly. "is my brother in love?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows. "no" he answers. "no more annoying questions" he says as soon as he sees Isabella's mouth open to say something.

He looks at his little sister's phone she is holding in her hand and sees a picture of her and Nick on her background. "how are you and Nick doing?" he asks awkwardly. Apparently he took her by surprise with that question. Her facial expression turns from a surprised look into a kind of awkward one "we're good" she says. "actually we are even doing great". He puts a hand on her shoulder and squeezes in it "good for you" he says with an honest smile. "is that my Arctic Monkeys shirt you are wearing?" he asks and squeezes his eyes. "no I bought one myself" she says "it's the same as yours though". "I didn't knew you liked their music. I expected you to listen to stuff like Justin Bieber and One Direction" he says. "well I guess I am supposed to according to my friends but what can I say I enjoy listening to music that's actually good" she giggles. "I'm a proud brother" he says and fakes wiping away a tear. "stop it you are making this conversation even more awkward" she says and hits him. he picks her up over his shoulder and throws her on the couch.

He feels his phone vibrate in the pocket of his black jeans. He reaches for his phone and sees he just received a text from Daphné.


"put your phone away, we're on a party" Benoit says with a smile and pushes her hand down. "put your girlfriend away, this is a party for fun people" Daphné says and rolls her eyes. His Adam's apple is going up and down by his swallow and his face turns serious. "sorry" Daphné says "I got a bit carried away". "it's okay" Benoit says and shows a little smile. "I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want something as well?" Daphné asks. "beer is fine" Benoit says and looks at his girlfriend Dove.

Daphné walks over to the fridge and grabs a bottle of Nail Brewing's beer for her brother and the bottle of champagne for herself. She pours the champagne into a wine glass. "well that's quite a lot of champagne isn't it?" Remy says with a smirk and nods at the glass which is completely full. Daphné bends to her glass and sips it or else she is going to spill some of the champagne. "I really like it" she explains. Remy starts to laugh "I'm sure you do". "I need your help though" Daphné says. "what's up?". "I don't know how to open this beer" she says and holds the bottle in front of him. "give it to me" he says and grabs the bottle. he slides the bottle along the countertop until the beer bottle cap releases. "here you go". "well I have never seen Piérre opening it like that" Daphné laughs. "yeah I have no idea where the bottle opener is to be honest, I'm not even sure I ever bought one" he laughs and scratches his head. Daphné takes a big gulp of her champagne "now I know what to give you for your next birthday".

Daphné takes her glass and bring the bottle of beer to Benoit. He takes it from her and takes a look on the label "brewing's beer, nice! It's Australian isn't it?" he asks Remy and the Grimaldi brothers. He puts his arm around Dove. The guys nod. "I didn't knew Australians know how to make good beer" Vincent says. "you know Riley and Levi are Australian" Daphné says. all the guys look at her with a confused look. "remember the four guys that worked for grandfather a few weeks ago?" Daphné asks. "oh those disgusting boys" Dove says with a disgusted look on her face. "they are nice" Daphné says a little mad. "oh please they are only after the money" Dove says. "no they are genuine nice guys" Daphné says and bites the inner side of her cheek "unlike you". Dove starts to laugh "oh I see, you have a crush on one of them don't you?". "what? No I'm with Vincent" Daphné says and grabs Vincent's hand.

Dove's face suddenly turns serious it even seems like she a little bit jealous. Dove looks at Evian, who is watching her as well. What is going on here? Dove throws her golden hair behind her shoulders and clears her throat "I brought you and Chantal a little gift". Daphné raises her eyebrows confused. Dove grabs two Peach colored little bags from the counter and hands them over to Chantal and Daphné.

Daphné looks at the bag, it says Vega on the front and Dove on the other side of the bag. The bag is tied with a bow and Daphné unties it. She takes a look in the bag and sees all different kinds of make-up products of Dove's cosmetics line. "it's from the new line" Dove explains. "thanks Dove" Chantal says. "yeah thanks" Daphné says not really sure why she gave her this.

Let's hang out Tuesday X she receives Riley's text.

I need to go shop for a dress for the film festival in Cannes, but you can come with me. Bring your little sister as well I owe her some clothes ;) X D she texts him back. Only if I get to pick the dress. He answers she can't help it but laughs. That was a joke of course. He sends her a few seconds later.


It's 3 am right now and Yves is still awake in his bed. He turns around and grabs the laptop from his desk. He searches through his folder by the name school. He names it that way so he's sure his parents won't open things that are in it. There's quite a lot of stuff in it that most parents don't want to see on their son's laptop. he smirks by the thought of it. He even called the pictures of Chantal Napoleon 1 up to 13.

He puts his laptop on his belly and one arm under his head. Tomorrow is his date with Chantal and he really needs to impress her. He opens the pictures. There is one of her in Santorini, another one with Daphné in Dubai. But his favorite picture has to be the one of her watching her brother on the screen during the F1 race in Monte Carlo. She's wearing these big headphones and her hair is braided. She's wearing a shirt with team Montoya on it and it looks like she is giving her brother a pep talk through the microphone in front of her. She also has the biggest smile on her face and her eyes sparkle. He slides his finger over Chantal's face on his screen. "I want you to be mine".


"what happened?" Fenna asks while watching Levi inflating the air mattress. Levi sighs and continues to pump. "did you have a fight with your friends?" she asks curious. "no" he answers shortly. "why did you come here instead of your friends?" she asks "not that I mind but I'm just wondering". "because I would have to explain things to them" he says as soon as he finished inflating the air mattress. "well I kind of want you to explain it to me as well" she says while holding her arms on her waist. "I know" he says and sits down on the air mattress facing Fenna.

"I think it's easier to tell you to be honest" he says. his voice sounds shaky, almost like he's scared or about to cry. he clears his throat. Fenna sits down next to him and grabs his hand "don't be afraid. You can tell me everything". he sighs "I'm always fighting with my brother and my mother". "it's normal, I mean I often argue with my parents and siblings" Fenna says. he rubs his hand over his eyes "you won't understand". "then explain it" she says.

He looks down at theirhands intertwining each other. "Riley, Yves and Jérome don't know anything ofthis" he says. "I will keep it a secret" she says. "before we moved toFrance my grandparents used to take care of me" he starts his story and looksat the empty wall "I've never been able to meet my father and my mother andbrother Zack just didn't care about me. Zack even told me my mother had saidmany times that I was a mistake". His eyes are tearing up "my grandparents werethe best. Then I was forced to move with them to here and Zack started to hitme and so did my mother when I try to fight back it only becomes worse". "I'mgoing to cry" Fenna says. Levi look at her. They are both crying right now andLevi wipes a tear from Fenna's cheek. "I can't believe someone would do that toyou" she whispers and lays her head down on his shoulder. "she threw a bottleof wine at me today because she got mad at me for telling her the truth" Levisays "that went too far to me". She squeezes his hand. "I never want to go backanymore" he starts to cry. Fenna rubs his back and then take both of his hands."stay for a while and let me hold you tonight" Fenna says "I'm proud of you fortelling me this" she says and kisses his shoulder. He looks at her and shepulls in for a kiss. "you don't have to be broken tonight".�����_?b)d�

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