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I'm sorry if there are any Spelling or Grammar mistakes. I'm Dutch and I try my hardest to write in the best English I know haha. This story will be updated once a week, or maybe 2 times a week but I'm not sure about that yet. So for now I'll keep it once a week :)

If you see a random : YT in bold letters that's for my Youtube subscribers. I make the chapters also in video's but not the whole chapter so they have to read here how the chapter ends. :)


"all right ladies and gentlemen" the sound of a little teaspoon tapping against a €350,- champagne glass makes every guest, who is seated at the long table in a square shape, quiet.

"at first I would like to give you a warm welcome in our hotel, hotel de Paris, on behalf of myself, my wife and our grandchildren: Benoit and Daphné". The Arnault siblings both smile at their grandfather and his guests.

"I thank you for coming to our 50th wedding anniversary, it's lovely to see everyone together and I wish everyone as much happiness in their marriage as I had so far" Monsieur Arnault says while holding his wife's hand.

"we just had a wonderful brunch made by chef Bocuse so we would like to give him an applause" Madame Arnault says. every guest start to clap their hands. "now I would like to invite you all to the dance floor".

The classical music of Mozart sounds quietly through the hall. It wasn't really Daphné's type of music but her grandparents didn't approve her listening to the 'disgusting' now a days music and especially the old 80's rock bands music weren't so popular with her grandparents.

Ever since the parents of Benoit and Daphné died in a car accident they had to follow some new rules. It wasn't such a problem for Daphné but for her brother Benoit it was.He doesn't like to be told what to do even though he wants to respect his grandparents at the same time.

After some few conversations he knew that it was best for his family to follow the rules strictly. Even though it was against his own pleasure.

Benoit grabs both of Daphné's hands and pulls her in his grip to dance. "my little sister, may I say that your appearance is very lovely today" Benoit says to her in this very posh accent.

Daphné playfully slaps his chest with her left hand "oh stop it Benoit, I would prefer to get out of here as fast as possible just like you do". He chuckles and pulls his little sister a little closer to him. "you do know it's easier for you to get out of all of this than it is for me?".

It's true, since our father died it's Benoit responsibility to keep the Monte Carlo Casino and hotel de Paris in the family when our grandfather dies. Selling the casino and the hotel would be a shame and would damage the Arnault name.

"I know Benoit, but grandfather is not expecting you to marry someone of the Grimaldi sons" she says. the Grimaldi family rule Monaco and one of the twins is the heir. The parents of Evian and Vincent Grimaldi keep it a secret who's the eldest and so who's the heir to the throne, even the twins themselves don't know who it will be.

It's not like the Grimaldi twins are total strangers to Benoit and Daphné. They have actually been good friends since a long time. Evian can be quite goofy while Vincent is the more serious and mature one of the two. Just like Benoit and Daphné. Daphné has always been the smart and innocent one.

"well I guess you're right as well" Benoit admits. He blows the piece of hair that was hanging on his forehead back up again. "grandmother coming over" Benoit says while looking over Daphné's head at Madame Arnault who is making her way to them.

"Daphné sweetie, maybe it's a good idea to go and have a dance with Evian Grimaldi over there" she suggests. "but grandmother that's Vincent you're pointing at" Daphné chuckles softly.

Madame Arnault start to laugh "oh well it's hard for an old lady like me to tell those two apart". "I'll ask him to dance grandmother" she says and walks over to Vincent.

The Louboutin heels that she's wearing with her lacy Chanel dress aren't the most feet friendly. In fact they are absolutely hurting her but it would be a shame towards her grandparents to take them off right here on the dance floor. If you can call it a dance floor with this Mozart music playing.

"Vincent, may I have a dance?" she asks with a big smile. "shouldn't the man actually ask the lady?" Vincent sBenoit and raises his eyebrows questioningly. "well ask me!" she dares him. "miss Arnault can I have this dance?" he asks jokingly and makes a bow. "I thought you would never ask mister Grimaldi" she says and throws her perfectly curled hair back before giving her hand to him.

"do your grandparents still want you to marry me?" Vincent asks as soon as he pulled her in the waltz position. She rolls her eyes "yes". "well my parents still want me or Evian to marry you too just because you're a Arnault".

"oh so it's not because I'm nice, they just like my name" she jokes. "no they think you're nice too, besides your grandparents thoughts aren't any different from my parents" he says while they are still doing the waltz.

"Daphné I have been thinking, my parents and your grandparents won't stop trying to link us before we are dating, so maybe we should just lie and tell them we are" Vincent suggests.

Daphné stops dancing immediately and looks with a startled look on her face at Vincent "I'm sorry, I only see you as a friend Vincent".

"no, no I only see you as a friend too but we can pretend we are dating towards them" he says with the emphasis on 'pretend' while offering his hand again to dance.

She takes his hand and looks interested at him "continue". "then after I don't know, 2 months or so, we say that we have tried but found out that we are better off as friends. And then they will hopefully just leave us alone" he says.

"that's a pretty crazy idea you know mister Grimaldi" she smiles "but I need to think it thru first".

"take your time miss Arnault, but not too long".

"I'll do my best".

Benoit runs over to Daphné and grabs his sister's hand. "I'm sorry Vincent but let me borrow her for a minute". Vincent puts his hands up and laughs "she's yours".

"Benoit what are you doing?" she asks him confused. "take those heels off, I need to show you something" he says while pointing at her Louboutin's. Daphné does what she's advised to do. With a lot of struggle and without being noticed she takes the black heels off.

"all right follow me" Benoit says and starts to walk in a faster tempo. He leads her to the exit of the hotel which opens onto the square of Monte Carlo.

There was music, music their grandparents told them not to listen to. It was the song 'Teenage Dream' but in a more rock style.

A lot of people are surrounding the four guys.

"they are good" Daphné says with a big smile on her face. She absolutely loved to hear something different than that Mozart crap she can't hear anymore.

This did not happen every day on the square of Monte Carlo. It was even illegal and if there wasn't an anniversary party going on in the hotel right now they would have already been arrested.

"you want to see them closer?" Benoit ask her while having a big smile on his face to see his little sister having fun hearing the music. "oh yes" she says with the biggest smile.

They push themselves through the crowd while people are giving them nasty looks. But they don't care especially not Daphné.

After many pushes they finally made it to the front row. There were four guys: the blonde one and the guy with the green hair play the guitar, the black haired guy plays the bass and the dirty blonde, curly haired guy with the beanie is playing the drum.

The guy on the drum only sings the sentence "don't ever look back" and the rest of the guys had their own solo's.

"GET THEM!" a loud andangry voice sounds over the music.    

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