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Well, I'm out of things to do. It's currently 7 P.M. and I've done everything I thought of. I guess I'm going to bed early...

My phone then started to get notifications. I turned over, to see it was a message from someone.

"Hey, Y/N! Wanna come over?" 

It was an invitation from my friend Matt. He's one of my closest friends, so of course I accepted. I never hung out at his place, though. We usually go to someone else's house instead.

I'm Y/N L/N. A pretty dull person. Dunno how I made friends, but at least I have them.

"Oh yeah, you've never been to my house, here's the address."

He gave me the address. Seemed pretty close to here, so I guess I'm walking. It was currently March 31, the day Mario died. Sad.

I threw my stuff in a bag. Spare clothes, my switch, etc.

I also decided to bring my nerf gun, in case we have a war, lol.

After getting some of my stuff I grabbed my phone and left the house. 

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