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Confirmed: My nerf gun ISN'T in this room. I'm so lucky I brought that spare pistol. There's just one problem... Saki has that big-ass nerf gun. I'm gonna need a strategy. If I make ONE mistake... I'm dead. I grabbed my bag and approached the door.

3... 2... 1... I'm off.

Or so I thought. I heard chatter. I didn't recognize any of the voices I heard. I heard around... 9 different voices? I put my stuff away as the voices became louder. I then pretended to fall asleep. I made sure to put "throw" my bag at the other side of the room. 

The door opened. I kept the straightest face I could and I couldn't move. If I did, I would be dead confirmed. I kept the pistol... in my pants. I also kept my arms under my body so I don't look sus.

"We know you're awake!"

I didn't move. I kept that straight face.

"Oi! Open up!"

I felt the presence of 3 people crouching down beside me. Scariest moment of my life.

Sigh, wish me luck.

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