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It was currently 2AM. The girls were all doing their own thing, and I was strategizing a way out / a way to beat Kotoka. I could probably just look for my nerf gun, but they told me it was nowhere.

"Hey, uh, where do I sleep?" I asked Kotoka. "I'm getting pretty tired."

"You sleep in the room you woke up in!" Kotoka said.

"Oh, thanks."

"No problem!"

I went back to the room with a lot of futons. 

I laid down, and fell asleep.

It was now morning, and Kotoka was on top of me.

"Urgh..." I said.

I wasn't able to get Kotoka off of me. It's like she was stuck onto me.

"Uh... can somebody help?"

I tried being as calm as possible. I didn't want to be rough to Kotoka, since she looked... very comfortable.

I think I blushed.

"Hmu..." Kotoka murmured.

I think I blushed even more.


"Oh, uh, what?"

"Whatever. Want Kotoka off of you? Well, you look pretty comfortable like that anyways... so...?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry right now."

"Well, she's good at literally anything, except for sleeping with people."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She rolls over to people and clings onto them like they're her stuffed animals. I have a video of it, if you wanna watch."

She took out her phone and showed me the video of Kotoka's sleeping.

It was REALLY cute. VERY wholesome.

"So, all you have to do is..." Hanato said.


"Nothing. You have to wait until she wakes up."


"Yep. I lied when I said you can get her off somehow."

"Guess I'm going back to sleep, then."

"Good luck."

Wait, good luck?

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