Ch 1: Two Sides Of the Same Coin

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Somewhere in the city of Kolor, located in eastern Elistina in the 23rd century, a silver-haired individual walks downtown with his hood covering most of his face. All he thinks of is to get back to the grocery store to meet up with a friend of his.

Why did I have to run to the gas station for canned coffee? It's better fresh anyways, Kurasame thinks to himself before looking down at the white plastic bag snuggled between both arms and his body.

If I bought two dozen drinks all at 145 rubles each... then Ikuto owes me-

His thoughts were disrupted when he accidentally bumped into a middle-aged man heading in the opposite direction. But before Kurasame could apologize to the man he almost body checked, the hood on his head uncovered his face.

Almost failing to catch himself on the pavement, Kurasame was sure the man saw it... He had to have seen what was under the hair covering the right side of his face.

Or maybe he was lucky... Maybe he lucked out and can just head back to the grocery store without apologizing. The teenager tried raising his arms to put his hood back on, trying to slip away to avoid any chaos. But before he could get close, someone shouted from behind him.

"Don't you dare move!!!" The voice yelled, making Kurasame turn to face it.

How could Kurasame be so wishful? Of course the man saw what was on his face... Why else would he have a gun pulled and pointed at an unarmed teenager?

I have the worst luck in the world, he thought.

"I saw what was on your face. You're a superior, aren't you?"

"I'm not-"

"You are! Somebody call the triple-SA immediately!"

Everyone around the block took their phones out to contact professional forces in hope they will get part of the reward. Kurasame was surprised though... Last time he almost got caught, these stupid inferiors were fighting over who would get the bounty.

"He's just a kid..." A lady on the other side of the street whispered to a man she was with, but all he replied with was, "he's probably still dangerous."

Kurasame felt the pistol in his pocket. If only these cans of coffee weren't so heavy, he could take this guy down in an instant and make a run for it.

Kurasame looked back up at the middle-aged man, they SO owe me for this.

He then had an idea that may get him out of this mess. The last thing he would want is to make a scene while grabbing coffee... Everyone back home would laugh at him.

Kurasame urged, "I have no mark on my face-"

The middle aged man replied, "Be quiet, kid. I can't wait until the triple-SA deals with you."

With that, Kurasame clicked his tongue. He just had to get his hands out of his pocket and then the rest would be history.

Out of everything that could get me caught... it's going to be canned coffee... I'm so disappointed in life right now.

He couldn't let this be how he went down, so he tried again. "Look sir, I have to get home before curfew otherwise my mom will worry. I'll let you inspect my face! Actually, I can just show you."

"If you move, I-I'll shoot!" The man hesitantly threatened. That was all Kurasame needed though. The hesitance in his voice gave Kurasame reason to believe that it was a bluff. Kurasame then started to pull his hands out of his pocket slowly before-


A few hundred meters away, a young boy drops his grocery bags outside the store. A part of him was startled due to the loud noise of gunfire, but a part of him knew that it wasn't a coincidence. His friend left not too long ago to a place not so far from the grocery store. On top of that, he was taking an unnecessarily long time to get back. Without a second thought, he knew what had happened. "Kurasame!" He yelled in an attempt to see if he was close by.

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