The First Day (Short Chapter)

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On the next day after the rebirth of an ancient being, Belle and Maisie had discussed the recent turn of events that transpired last night. They knew it was about the power that suddenly reverberated across the universe, it was like nothing they have ever faced before other than the genetically engineered dinosaurs and hybrid creations during their lifetime.

However, from what they have been foretold by the entity, this being is so powerful with a sterling reputation among the stars that it was feared by general entities and garnered respect from a few other beings. They wondered how the resonance of power was felt by everyone on the planet.

There is still another question they have yet to answer. It was the hybrid Belle had created or resurrected and they were uneasy as to deal with an enigmatic anomaly of immense power. Judging from its actions on the next morning, the Indoreaper is highly intelligent and placidly attentive that she could have sworn it could understand her or Maisie on that matter.

The first thing they woke up and descended the staircase was that they were greeted by a sight they had never expected to be possible with gaping jaws. Breakfast itself was prepared and cooked for them. Eggs and bacon for Belle, a small stack of pancake pancakes for Maisie, and lastly, chicken and a small steak made for the third occupant.

The newborn hybrid, on the other hand, sat on a rather high chair expectantly with a calm and collected expression as if it had waited for them to come down and eat with it. It had watched them like a hawk with glass-like eyes and observed the lack of movement from any of the two girls in front of it.

Although they were rather skeptical at the latter when there wasn't even another person in the mansion other than the two young women by themselves. Maisie and Belle exchanged glances for a moment as they shook their heads and neither could confirm one another responsible for this wonderful breakfast.

They turned to the hybrid in disbelief. “Did you make breakfast for us?” Belle queried with a hint of curiosity and surprise. Much to their shock, the reaper nodded and chirped as a flash of blue light flickered on its small dorsal fins with a deep, inaudible hum in verification.

There was more to this being than meets the eye and neither of the two expected this response to be from any animal they’ve ever seen or heard of behaving in such a manner. Neither almost forgot that the Indoreaper isn’t exactly a normal animal but rather a hybrid genetically engineered and bred in a lab than born in nature. The way it functioned and acted was simply a canny resemblance of a human than a dinosaur.

A rumble echoed towards them in their minds, feeling hidden thoughts and emotions beneath a guttural growl out of nowhere beyond their range of senses. It had taken a few minutes for you to arrive on time. I managed to cook up what you deem fit for your liking after what seems to be an hour and thirty minutes. An unfamiliar voice that sounded deep but slightly young at the same time, startling the young beauties in the process.

Belle and Maisie surveyed for the source of the voice and then returned their attention to the newborn hybrid. “Who are you?” The young Lockwood inquired tepidly. Belle sensed the voice around the living room that didn't belong to the entity and his voice sounded much older than the one that was projected just now.

It was me.

Their eyes widened in surprise at the source coming from the Indoreaper, whose head tilted to the side and its gaze rested on them with a calm and aloof yet blank exterior. Belle speculated her creation or the reincarnated being possessed some form of telepathy. She didn't know what it is but noted herself that she and Maisie would have to keep a much closer eye on the being she had knowingly resuscitated from countless eons of wandering across the multiverse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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