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Greetings to everyone whom stumbled upon this magnificent book. The story I've been originally comparing to this has been deleted for personal reasons, in which I rather not declassify my reasoning.

My name is Tristan, or perhaps you rather prefer me as IndoTristan Chimera. I've written several stories that were have been either on hiatus or discontinued, due to Writer's Block for months now from my loss of inspiration, interest and motivation upon writing them was caused by great depression to lose my grip onto reality and this life in the mortal world.

Anyways, this story you're about to read was first started as an inspired ambition. I believe this began from many months of contemplating to create it, however the novel was a collaberation sequel to Ripper: An Indoraptor Story published by my good friend, ElijahCole11 who has created this amazing cover for my story. Although when I first read it from the past, his writing style was rather detailed, complexing and quite clarifying as well for the most part. The original Indoraptor's story ending was where Ripper died heroically from a grenade explosion within his birthplace was an Ingen facility in Palo Alto, along with Blue the last-surviving whose knowledge and wisdom were his sole guidance to surivival and a hybridized ceratopsian, who's been misguided by Wu's manipulations from birth to neutralize Ripper as he was persuaded by the Indoraptor to realize what is happening around him, and until a truthful realization has turned him against Henry Wu which he also died from an explosion.

Within the conclusion, Ripper has confronted Wu for the last time, while a dramatic conversation between them has risen based on his existential creation to the mortal world and the revelation of Henry's ambitious vision to change the world into a 'better' place, via creating more Indoraptors in which could potentially become dangerous threats to humanity and the entire planet. When an emotional dilemma between the creator and his secondary creation, rose into overriding their emotions before Ripper succumbed himself to death, while Henry Wu has surely disappeared or has been arrested, right after the original Indoraptor's death with heavy guilt, shame and regret for everything.

The Inevitable Uprising (Legacy of an Indoreaper) was a collaberation sequel to Ripper: An Indoraptor Story, this novel was solely based on a new hybrid named Tristan Ripper Chimera was created by a young beatiful woman named Belle Biggens, (A supporting female character from Ripper) who raised and took care of him as her own child with care, love and happiness; along with the support of her best friend, Maisie Lockwood.

Unbeknownst to her, when a final soul fragment of an ancient yet primordial deity from many trillion eons ago, has descended onto the amphibious-airborne hybrid's egg; compensating a mysterious and unknown personality that no one should've been able to possess in such a youthful stage with vengeful and hatred personality disorders, supernatural yet ancient powers, a destiny awaiting to achieve his true purpose, attaining memories of the ancient past, and including a hereditary trait of purely-blooded immortality of permanence.

Maisie, Belle and Tristan will be facing new bounderies altogether. As neo-allies and neo-enemies are rising left and right, potential dangers are ahead of time as paleo-allies resurfaced once again, a new pathway of sacred knowledge that leads to depict a legendary prophecy; a celestial battle of the primordial ages, forged between two colossal leviathans of unknown origins, a one hundred-headed, draconic serpentine destroyer and a gargantuan, draconic theropod-like protector with a similar resemblence of the Indomination Rex, Indomiraptor, Indominus Rex and Indoraptor.

Furthurmore, there are blood-curling revelations behind the hybrid's existance, and a massive hysteria showdown between man and beast, leading Tristan to become an ultimate target for humanity's own greedy purpose of weaponising a genetic bioweapon based on military warfares, scientific experimentations and possible cloning sequences, before they authorised his euthanization. Can Belle and Maisie finally discover how truly moral, clever, strong and powerful he is? Will Tristan uncover the truth of his real blood ancestry, his true destiny and his major role in the prophecy?

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