First Meeting

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Ophelia's POV

Ophelia sighed as she sat on the roof, staring off into the distance. She had trouble sleeping, and there were times when the only comfort she had was watching the stars. She sat there, and started thinking about her day. She was 10, and would go to school if her mom wasn't so overprotective. Her mom kept her at home all day. Often times nights were the only times she had to herself.

Because of her mom, Ophelia didn't have any friends. Whenever her and her mom would go on walks, she would watch the people around her. She found them fascinating. Studying the way that people talked and interacted with each other quickly became her favorite pastime.

As the sun started to rise over the city, Ophelia headed back inside and laid in her bed, so her mom didn't catch her being awake. She felt herself drifting off to sleep, until a couple of hours later, when her mom came in and shook Ophelia awake. "Time to wake up Opi", her mom said. "It's another busy day today. We're going to the mall."

Time skip brought to you by a tired Ophelia

Ophelia and her mom were walking around the mall. Ophelia loved going to the mall, it was a great opportunity to be able to study how people interacted. As her mom walked into the third shoe store of the day, Ophelia sat on a bench outside. She could watch people walking by this way, and her mom could see her through the window. As people were walking by the store, one couple caught Ophelia's eye.

Aizawa's POV

Aizawa hated shopping malls. They were so loud, and bright, and busy. Who would choose to be around this many people voluntarily. He took a drink of the coffee that his husband had bribed him with, before looking around. Hizashi had run off almost immediately, leaving Aizawa to walk on his own. He looked around, deciding where he was going to sit and wait for his annoying blonde to come and find him, when he met eyes with a girl sitting on the bench. She was studying him intently. It seemed like she had been watching him for a while. He looked around, looking for another place to sit, but all the benches around him were full. He sighed, and walked over to the bench the girl was sitting on.

"Why are you staring at me?" Aizawa said. He hated when people stared at him, he was much more used to hiding in the shadows and escaping notice from people. The girl looked up at him for another couple of seconds before saying "you look familiar."

Ophelia's POV

Ophelia watched as the man she was studying walked over to her and stood in front of her. She had seen him with another blonde man earlier in the day, but he seemed to be alone now. He looked homeless, but she could tell that his black jumpsuit was tailored to fit him. He reached her and spoke, causing her to jump. "Why are you staring at me?" he asked. She studied him for another couple of seconds before realizing something. "You look familiar", Ophelia responded, realizing that she had seen him before this day. The man sighed, and then sat down on the bench next to her.

Ophelia's mind raced, as she tried to figure out how she knew this man. The way he walked around and moved was strangely familiar to her. All of a sudden it clicked. She looked at the man, who seemed to be falling asleep, and said "I do know you". He looked at her with a straight face, which Ophelia was starting to learn was normal. "You're Eraserhead, I see you at night." She said. His eyebrows raised a little in shock before he smoothed his face back out. Before Ophelia could say any more, her mom came out of the store.

"Ophelia, how many times have I told you to not talk to strangers?" her mom said, before grabbing her arm and dragging her away. Ophelia looked back, to see Eraserhead standing up watching her being dragged away.

Aizawa POV

Aizawa jumped up in shock, watching the girl being dragged away. He's normally better at noticing his surroundings, but the girl had distracted him. Something about their interactions rubbed him wrong. He was a hero, and had learned to trust his gut, and right now it was screaming at him that something wasn't right. He heard his husband coming from around the corner, and as he turned to look at him he vowed to look into it later.

AIzawa was sitting on the couch listening to Hizashi put the things he bought away. "Cockatoo" he called out, wanting his husband to come over. 'What's wrong caterpillar?' Hizashi responded, sitting next to Aizawa on the couch. "I met a girl at the mall today," Aizawa sighed. "Her mom came and dragged her away when we tried talking to each other. Not only that but she knew my hero name." "She recognized you?" Hizashi asked. "No one recognizes you." "She said she sees me at night. I guess she recognized me from my walk." Hizashi looked at his husband. "You should try and find her tonight then" he said.

Later that night Aizawa went out for his nightly patrol. He was keeping an eye out for any shadows that might be a girl on the roofs as he dealt with the usual thugs in the alleyways.. As he was roof hopping through the city, a light caught his attention. He used his capture weapon to swing over to the light, where he saw a girl with a rectangle that was glowing a translucent yellow. He landed in a crouch by the girl from the mall, who looked over at him, and smirked.

Ophelia's quirk: Shield
She can create a shield made out of a translucent yellow light. It takes the form of either a dome around her or rectangles. The amount of rectangles or the size of the dome she can make depends on how trained she is with her quirk, and how much energy she has. When touched, the force field feels like a wall, however it can block all attacks except for mental ones. If the shield is used for too long or sustains too many attacks, it will start to fade. If overused, the quirk will drain Ophelia's energy, causing severe fatigue.

Ophelia's POV

As Eraserhead landed next to her, Ophelia deactivated her shield. She looked over to see him studying her. "Hello Shouta Aizawa," she said. His eyebrows raised, and he gave her a long look. "How do you know my name?" he asked. "That's classified information." Ophelia broke eye contact, and laid back to look up at the stars. "I get bored at home," she says with a sigh. "I see you around sometimes at night, and wanted to know more." Aizawa looked like he wanted to say more, but all of a sudden she saw her mom's room light turn on.

"I need to go," Ophelia said, standing up quickly. She turned around to go back inside, but she was stopped by a grey scarf around her wrist. She turned around to get the scarf off when Aizawa asked "what's your name?" Ophelia, she responded as she detangled her wrist, and ran inside, leaving Aizawa to stare at her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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