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Maya exhaled as she placed her hand on her stomach while going through some mail she and Josh had received. Being 26 weeks pregnant while Thanksgiving was just 2 weeks away it became more and more real that Maya was going to be a mother all over again but this time she didn't have the worries of raising a baby as a single teen mom. She would now still be a teen mom but this time around she was married to the love of her life. Maya saw the letter with her name on it as she exhaled opening it as she say down reading it.

Dear, Maya.
I know you're probably thinking why I'm only sending a letter now to your doorstep. But I never had the courage to do it before. Me and your mother were young when we had you and unlike any other fairytale ours didn't end well and I know that. The one thing I regret more than anything else is that I left a beautiful toddler behind. I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me.
Love, your father.

Maya exhaled as she saw how Josh walked into the apartment flipping the letter over rubbing her eyes.

"Don't tell me it's Noah driving you insane," Josh said.

"My father sent a letter. Don't know how but he got my address. I don't want anything to do with him," Maya said.

"Throw it away," Josh said as Maya heard Mila crying over the monitor grabbing her bottle.

"Uh-huh. I'll get it," Josh said as he took the bottle heading down the hall.

Don't You Wanna Stay (Sequel To Best Thing I Got) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now