Births And Opinions

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Maya had smiled while looking as Alan was playing with Mila while it was Thanksgiving. She was now 28 weeks pregnant with baby boy while she was slowly enjoying every single step of journey with the pregnancy especially since Josh was now there to share all these things with them.

"How are you kids doing? Having a toddler and being pregnant with your second child can't be easy. Especially when you're 18," Alan said as Maya had smiled at her father-in-law's comment about her pregnancy.

"Josh is doing good in college and I'm more than happy with the pregnancy. I'm hoping to actually go into labor a bit earlier than my due date. I think it will be really cute if Noah would come on Josh's birthday. Another Valentine's baby sounds amazing," Maya said as Josh looked at his wife.

Of course Josh had known for awhile Maya wanted the baby to be born on his birthday but Josh had also known how he has felt over the last two decades celebrating his birthday on a day where it's all about hearts and love. Of course he wasn't against that but he had just always felt like his birthday wasn't his birthday because of everything else that had happened on that day.

"And if he isn't born on my birthday? The 19th and 14th are quite a few days apart," Josh said as Maya smiled looking at her husband as Alan lifted Mila onto his lap.

"Then I'll be fine as well. I won't judge it at all if he isn't born then. If he's born on the 19th I'll be happy, if he's born on the 14th I'll be happy. All I care about is that our son is born happy and healthy," Maya said.

"Okay then."

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