the aussie egg

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yes i left u guys on a cliffhanger 😁 sorry not sorry #DemiLavato

here's a little visual of what camille looked like last chapter, i'm not a great artist so i wasn't sure how to show u the bald spots and the two holes but yeah

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here's a little visual of what camille looked like last chapter, i'm not a great artist so i wasn't sure how to show u the bald spots and the two holes but yeah

also i am a #horandog



niall opened his door and went in with the egg still in his hands.

he walks into his house and is not quite sure what he should do with the egg..

he decided to place it down and think like a bird.

"what would a bird do with an egg?" he thinks out loud.

he suddenly gets an idea 💡

he starts cosplaying as a chicken 🐓 his hands are bent like chicken wings and he's making pok pok noises while bobbing his head back and forward.

he picks up blankets with his mouth and puts them in a nest like shape.

(a/n) i just got my period while writing this oh my god okay anygay back to the story 🩸

once he is done he gently placed the egg in the middle, he thinks about sitting on it, like most bird mothers do but since niall is no bird he decides to cover it in a blanket to keep it warm.

he sits there patiently waiting for the egg, staring intensely and harshly into the outline of the egg under the blanket.

about after 69 hours niall is still sitting in the same spot watching the egg carefully...

when he hears a tiny crack, he shot up in to the air "HUZZAHHHHH" is the word nile shouted.

he quickly walked over to the egg and lifted up the blanket only to reveal that there was no crack on the egg.

"OH DINGLEBERRIES FUCK NUGGETS" niall said with a sigh at the end and slumped back down into his seat and continued to watch the egg very very carefully hoping his state could make the egg crack faster.

niall sat there for another 69 hours straight without any sleep but  he did have food and water.

and suddenly on the 69th hour of the 69th day of the 69th year of the 69th century the egg cracked at 69:69.69 pm.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA" niall said as he walked over to the egg and watched the top pop off.

as the egg slowly cracked, niall waited in anticipation...

only for four little men to come out of the egg??

"WHAT" niall shouted, he was waiting for a little bird or some new meat to replace the one camille ruined.

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