The day of reconciliation

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That morning Dalmi and Dosan had reconciled, but soon after came the ransomware problem that they kept thinking all day about, how to get proof that the twins created and tried to hack into the system? They had to discuss and think about how to do it, it wouldn't be simple.

Dosan as the tech leader would have to think in the best way, a way that they wouldn't be discovered and that's how the day passed between arguments. Even so, Dosan and Dalmi smiled at each other from time to time, it was certain that they were happy, and the inconvenience would not be enough to shake everything they were feeling today.

"Dalmi, are we leaving? Can you leave your car here today? I'll take you home" said Dosan

"Yeah...ahhh (sighs), I'm so tired, thank you" said Dalmi smiling

Arriving at Dalmi's house, he parks his car in a darker place. Dosan takes Dalmi's hand. They both look at each other and smile with embarrassment and their hearts racing. They are feeling the expectation of this new stage of the relationship, of getting to know each other again despite the feelings already planted for years. 

"Thanks for bringing me home, I hope Grandma and Mom don't notice my bad mood! There's no way to explain what happened today!" says Dalmi in a tired voice

"Don't worry, sleep well. Trust me, everything will be resolved in no time," said Dosan smiling.

The two are silent, he approaches little by little until he finds Dalmi's lips, the kiss that morning was not enough to kill the longing. The longing, the love, the devotion... these feelings were reflected in the kiss. "I love you Dosan, I want you more than anything in my life," thinks Dalmi. "My heart is yours alone, yours alone, never let me go again" thinks Dosan.

The two end up breathless. Dalmi embarrassed smiles with her head bowed. Dosan sees the splendid full moon: 

"Oh! the moon is beautiful, let's get out of the car and look" says Dosan

 The two get out of the car and Dalmi is standing looking at the moon and Dosan is looking dazzled by the moment. Not even in a dream would he believe that this was happening, it was beyond what he could imagine, that one day they would be together like this, after a day of tiring work. His heart was beating hard and fast, he wanted to hold her tight and say that he had missed her for a long time.

Dosan then approaches and hugs her from behind, almost her heart comes out of her mouth. His body heat together with hers, his presence moved her intensely

"Dalmi, I missed you so much, I want this day never to be forgotten" said Dosan, he turns her around and they stand face to face, hugging each other looking deeply.

" I waited a lot for that day, I kept wondering if you would come back to me if you still liked me... I was afraid. So I'm grateful for having come back to my life, I'm happy," says Dalmi

"I'm very happy too, Well, Dalmi it's late go to sleep, they must be worried about you," he says

"Yes, I'm going in, I hope we can think better of today's case, good night, drive well, sleep well" says Dalmi and suddenly kisses him on the cheek.

"Okay okay, good night, see you tomorrow" says Dosan with a red face already walking away.

Dalmi comes home, greets her grandmother and mother, takes a shower, and goes to bed thinking "After all of today, how am I going to sleep?!" Thinking of the passionate kisses Dosan had given ... soon her heart starts beating fast. She keeps thinking about him until she goes to sleep.

Dosan arrives home, but his parents are still awake watching television, they soon notice him:

"Oh Dosan! arrived, are you hungry?" ask the mother

"Yes," he replies.

"oh, what is that smile today?  something happened or saw something interesting?" says the curious father

"yes, something extraordinary, Dalmi and I are back together" says Dosan

"WOW" says the two in unison

"Is this where our son is getting married?" speaks the hopeful father

"Calm down dear, I'm sure things will happen naturally... Son, I'm very happy for you, you look great together, you stay strong on this journey, that's what Mom expects. Come here, give me a hug" she says and thinks "You must have suffered so much all this time... life is a strange thing, love is something inexplicable"

Dosan soon eats and goes to sleep, thinking about the day and hoping for sweet dreams.

Obs: Hello everyone I really want you enjoy it. I still could not overcome dodal couple until today! who are together with me? (hands up). Please give me suggestions if you want. Thank you for reading. 

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