A second date

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Over the next few weeks the team had been very busy, they would have to adjust a lot, start recruiting new employees. The two were unable to get out together. Dosan learned that Dalmi's grandmother had already opened the store, so this would be the opportunity to get out together. He calls her late at night:

"Dalmi, you told me that your mother and grandmother have already opened the store, can we go after work to visit her?

"Oh yes, you must have seen that we don't have much for tomorrow... let's go!" said Dalmi

"We can walk along the banks of the Han River later. I just want to tell Yongsan and Chulan that we're together after our visit". he says confidently

"Yes, I understood... So, see you tomorrow, sweet dreams" says Dalmi smiling 

"You too, sleep well" says Dosan happily

The next day, Dosan and Dalmi pay a visit to her grandmother and mother who are very happy to see him again. At the end of the visit:

"Halmoni, I'm glad you liked the present... we're leaving now... aren't we Dosan? Dalmi says and pinches Dosan which is embarrassing

"Thank you Dosan for your love, we will meet more from now on, won't we?" says Halmoni insinuating in a happy voice

"Yes, let's see each other more" says Dosan smiling

"Halmoni!!... don't embarrass us like that" says Dalmi with her face already red

"All good! All good!" says Halmoni and everyone laughs

So the two say goodbye and depart for the Han River. Still in the Halmoni store and the mother talk:

"Ah Yeon, Dalmi really likes him doesn't he?" says grandma smiling

"Omoni, you can't see it but I haven't seen Dalmi so happy in a long time. It's beautiful to see our Dalmi like this. They seem to understand each other well. He's charming... he held our Dalmi for all this time... Let's give him a credit!"

"Of course, of course, I'm hopeful for them" says grandma happy

The night was refreshing, a day a little warmer in midwinter, the two of them are in the car on their way to the Han River. Dalmi is admiring him thinking "oh he's driving like that, he's so charming... I can't breathe well, can someone save me, please?! What's that?" She's already panting and opens the window:

"Dalmi are you alright? Is it hot?" he asks worried

"No, no." says Dalmi fanning herself with her hidden hand trying to hide it.

"Don't worry we will arrive soon" he says

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when they arrived, there weren't many people either because it was a weekday. Dosan and Dalmi walks hand in hand:

"You didn't exactly tell me what your life was like in San Francisco" Dalmi asks in a suspicious voice

"Okay." Dosan says hesitantly, shrugging. "I  worked all the time. When we had some time off, we took the opportunity and traveled to somewhere in the United States. We went to Las Vegas, Arizona, NY... and you, what have you done these years?" Dosan question

"I just worked and took care of grandma, sometimes I went out with Injae, I wanted to get closer to her. But what I'm most curious to know is, dating, did you date anyone?" asks Dalmi in a fearful voice

"How would I do it? I just worked, I took the opportunity to learn as much as I could, and you Dalmi?" Dosan asks with a look of fear

"I didn't have any intentions, I kept thinking about you if you would come back if you would accept me... - says Dalmi with a low voice.

"My heart ached for a long time trying to accept that we couldn't be. Hmm..." Dosan thinks and breathes " Time passed slowly trying to forget you but I couldn't" Dosan speaks with his head down.

So they kept walking, talking, it was a warm and intimate night amidst the chaos of having such a busy life and that made every moment together become more special.

After the ride Dosan takes Dalmi back home, he opens the door beside her, quickly takes her by the hand, and leans her against the hood of the car. Dosan slowly approaches her face with a seductive look. Dosan's warm lips meet hers, she surrenders, opening her mouth letting him invade her warmly. He hugs her body, touching her hair, leaving his hand on her waist. Dalmi thinks "yes, kiss me, kiss me as many times as you want, you don't know how much I've been waiting to feel all this". He pauses the kiss breathlessly, looking at her intently, and speaks:

"I want you"

Dalmi smiles and they kiss once more enjoying the moment, thus getting to know each other, getting closer and closer physically.

Dosan soon says goodbye and gets in the car and leaves. On the way, he tries to call Chulsan, a bit confused trying to find the button, he had been stunned by the kiss:

"Hello? Chulsan, I'm going to your apartment now, wait, I'll bring you some beer!" Dosan speaks happy 

"Yes yes" "what does he have?" thinks Chulsan hanging up the call

Dosan arrives quickly at the apartment, Chulsan opens the door:

"What are you doing here in the middle of the week all of a sudden?" Chulsan asks

Dosan enters with a smile, leaving the bags on the table, hearing the noise Yongsan leaves his  room:

"Beer!" exclaims Yongsan "What is the reason?"

"Prepare yourselves" Dosan pauses and breaths "Chulsan, Yonsan, me and Dalmi we are together!"

The eyes of the two soon open in amazement and thrill

"Do not tell me!" speak Chulsan

"Congratulations, congratulations !"speaks Yongsan giving a hug

"You, now sit down and say everything to us" Chulsan

"Well, we hit it off a few weeks ago but I figured I'd just talk now" he says smiling

"Sure, but... so, how many times have you kiss?"Yongsan question

"Ha, what question is that?" exclaims Chulsan

"I... What harm is there in asking? We are rusting! speak Yongsan

"I think... three times... "speaks Dosan

"Wow, even more with our president... " says Yongsan 

"SShhi...Stop it" says Chulsan

"This is so great,  you have come a long way" says Yongsan

"Ah... (breaths in relief) it's a dream" says Dosan

So this is how ends the day, between drinks and conversations.

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