Sasha Braus - Pumpkin

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We haven't even made it back to the Island and I already wanted to write you something because I can't wait to see you again!

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We haven't even made it back to the Island and I already wanted to write you something because I can't wait to see you again!

Our mission was a success! We got Eren back and we are heading home with him and Zeke. We had to shoot and kill several innocents and I can feel the weight of their lives on my shoulders. Armin's transformation caused more casualties than we had predicted and his footsteps crushed hundreds of children. Innocent children.

Our trust in Eren is absolutely gone, especially after the little stunt he pulled. He believes his and Zeke's lives are more valuable than ours and he may be right but that doesn't mean we are any less important when it comes to protecting the subjects of Ymir who live in the island.

But I don't want this letter to be only about the bad parts of my journey, I have so many good things to tell you about the outside world: the ocean, the city, the cars, THE FOOD!

Oh my god, the food!! I mean don't get me wrong, nothing compares to yours, but holy shit I eat things I've never even dreamed about. Did you know they have flavored ice? Isn't that the craziest thing ever? I also had something called a fruit salad? Which is just a bunch of fruit mixed in orange juice? I didn't even know there were enough fruit to mix so many of them together, it was so colorful and beautiful.

There were these kind of small fish? They were curled in a circle I don't know what their called let me ask Mikasa. (She said they are called shrimps, which is just a funny sounding name.

Oh oh we also tried this one kind of tea Onyankopon brought us, it was black tea and it was so incredibly bitter that I had to add a bunch of sugar. In the end, it kept me up for a day straight. It was wild.

I took a few pictures for you on a photography machine thingy they had there. Here, let me add them to my letter.

But nothing can compare to the foods we cook together

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But nothing can compare to the foods we cook together. I miss cooking the main dish as you prepare a dessert. Ugh I can't wait for the pie you've promised me you would have ready.

I also miss hearing you play the guitar for me before bed. I also loved falling asleep underneath the stars but hearing your soothing melody is just the perfect addition. Maybe we can bake some pastries and sleep on the roof again, would you be ok with that??

I love you so much and your cooking brings me joy like nothing else. You are the best cook in the entire world and I'm so glad I'm coming home to you. I'm so glad to have survived the crazy nonsense we have just been through.

I'll go into more details later as you play me a song and I feed you some cake.

I'll go into more details later as you play me a song and I feed you some cake

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