daphne greengrass and first day

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After dinner, Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe and I went to the common room and when we got inside we said goodbye and goodnight and I went to my dorm room and changed into some PJs.

"Hey, uhm do you have a hair tie? Kind of lost all of mine" a girl with blonde hair said

" oh yea here," I said giving her a hair tie

"Thank you,...im daphne, Daphne Greengrass," she said smiling

"Don't worry about it, I'm y/n-"

"Potter yeah you and your brother are everything people are talking about now," she said smiling and I gave a forced smile, don't get me wrong I liked the attention but most people would just ask questions not really about me most about being a potter.

"Friends?" I asked "friends" I was going to give her a handshake but she immediately hugged me, I didn't really understand the feeling I was having, normally I would get a hug from Dudley but I always felt forced and he hugged me for a really long time smelling my hair moving his hands around my back making me uncomfortable, but this was different I felt somewhat warm, I hesitatingly hugged her back and we went to bed.

"Y/NNN WAKE UP WERE LATE HURRY UP" daphne screamed shaking me up, I got up and ran and got changed quickly brushed my teeth and my hair wrapping it in a messy bun with a pencil, threw my books in my bag and ran with daphne, we both were fixing ourselves up.



"shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shiiit, ......WHERE'S OUR CLASS?"

"Uhm left-no right-no straight?" Daphne said as a question

"Here-here," she said and we were talking towards the classroom and McGonagall wasn't there.

"Imagine the look on McGonagall's face if she knew we were like," I said and laughed

And the cat on the desk turned into McGonagall

"Bloody hell that was wicked," daphne said in awe

"Thank you, Mrs Greengrass, but if I was to transfigure you two a pocket watch next time so you not late to my class?" McGonagall sassed us out

"And don't forget a map we got lost as well," I said with attitude

"I hope you don't need one to find your seats?" McGonagall said back And walked to her desk, we sat together in front of Draco and one of his thugs, and we burst out laughing about how we got in trouble and we kept hushing each other, we were so red from lack of oxygen.

"Ms potter would you like to share with the class why you laughing??" McGonagall said

I looked around and Daphne looked around as well and we both saw harry and rons face, ron had a bit of a disgusted face and harry was like 'wtf are you doing?' face, me and Daphne looked at each other and burst out laughing again while McGonagall looked unamused.

I cleared my voice trying to say seriously"uhm well its really nothing just...yea nothing sorry continue" I said gesturing for her to continue, I couldn't help but feel someone's eyes on me from behind but didn't bother looking, she sighed and continued

"Stupid half-blood" someone whispered I didn't know what it meant so I didn't care, but I did want to know what it meant

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